I have a Single Page Application that has two pages - the first page contains a Data View view control (I used the wizard to create the pages - I did not create any custom controls as the entire application only contains 4 pages!), the second page then displays the document selected in the Data View control. This works perfectly! My problem is that the documents that are displayed in the Data View Control are not being refreshed - I need to do a manual refresh for them to show up. Not a problem I though, just do an automatic refresh every 5 seconds (there are only going to be about 20 users using the application):
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; URL="></meta>
this refreshes the page perfectly - if a user is on the second page s/he gets bumped back to the page with the Data View control (i.e. Page 1) and does not stay on the open document (ie page 2).
How can I get the Data View control to refresh periodically without being bumped back to the Data View control?
Thanking you in advance ursus