
I would like to refresh a Repeat Control triggered by client side Javascript. To make it interesting, my datasource is a JDBC query which is why I didn't just do a partial refresh. I've seen pages about using an XHR request to do this, but I don't see how to refresh the JDBC data to capture the new info. I can refresh the repeat control with the old data, not the new.

I saw Repeat control refresh error which talks about possibly requiring a timeout because the runtime isn't aware of the new data. I've run the XHR after manually changing something in the DB and waiting a minute, still had the stale info.

Can I update the variable (jdbcPendingSummary) in the RPC call, if not can I call back to the server to trigger the refresh inside the CSJS function?

    <xe:jdbcQuery connectionName="testDB"
        sqlQuery="EXEC ptoGetPendingRequests #{sessionScope.userID}"
        var="jdbcPendingSummary" />

<xe:jsonRpcService id="ptoRPC" serviceName="ptoRPC">
        <xe:remoteMethod name="createNewRequest">
                javaBeanObject.ptoCreateRequest(#{sessionScope.userID}, startDate, endDate, comment, d1,....,d15);
// Can I update the datasource var here?
                <xe:remoteMethodArg name="startDate" type="string"></xe:remoteMethodArg>
                <xe:remoteMethodArg name="d15" type="number"></xe:remoteMethodArg>

<xp:scriptBlock id="scriptBlock1">
    function createNewRequest(startDateID, endDateID, commentID, hiddenDivID, requestID) {

        ptoRPC.createNewRequest(dojo.byId(startDateID).value, dojo.byId(endDateID).value, ........).addCallback( function(response) {
            //  ????? Refreshes the Repeat Control, but has the stale data.
                function() {
                    XSP.partialRefreshGet(requestID, {onComplete: function(responseData) {    } })
// Or how about updating the datasource var here?

                }, 8000);

2 Answers


While this may not be a perfect solution, adding scope="request" to the JDBC code below caused the variable to be refreshed when the AJAX call completed.

   <xe:jdbcQuery connectionName="testDB"
       sqlQuery="EXEC ptoGetPendingRequests #{sessionScope.userID}"
       var="jdbcPendingSummary"  scope="request" />

You could achieve that using refresh() method of specific data source. So if you have a panel with some JDBC Query datasource configured - then inside inner view panel you could reference and refresh data via such syntax:


While you could have multiple datasources configured for a panel - referencing to them is starting from 0 index.

Code snippet to demonstrate that technique could be like this (could make more sense if query would use some computed parameter to present different data on refresh):

<xp:panel id="outerContainer">
        <xe:jdbcQuery var="jdbcQuery1"
            <xe:this.sqlQuery><![CDATA[#{javascript:"select * from users";

    <xp:viewPanel rows="10" id="viewPanel1"
        value="#{jdbcQuery1}" indexVar="idx">
        <xp:viewColumn id="viewColumn1" columnName="id"
                <xp:viewColumnHeader xp:key="header"
                    id="viewColumnHeader1" value="ID">
            <xp:eventHandler event="onclick"
                submit="true" refreshMode="partial" refreshId="outerContainer">
