I am currently developing an application using NuoDB and Ruby on Rails
I am using the 'nuodb' gem and the 'activerecord-nuodb-adapter' to connect to the DB but I seem to be getting an error with the logs when executing commands.
For example, when I run the commands in my action:
x = GeneralLedger.where("id = ?", params[:id]).first
This would output in the development logs:
[1m[35mGeneralLedger Load (2.4ms)[0m SELECT `general_ledgers`.* FROM `general_ledgers` WHERE (id = '48') FETCH FIRST 1 ROWS ONLY
[1m[35mSQL (0.3ms)[0m DELETE FROM `general_ledgers` WHERE `general_ledgers`.`id` = 48
This is okay, but when I execute the more direct approach which is:
I keep get this error:
Could not log "sql.active_record" event. NoMethodError: undefined method `name' for 48:Fixnum <------ error
[1m[35mSQL (0.4ms)[0m DELETE FROM `general_ledgers` WHERE `general_ledgers`.`id` = 48
Here's another example of the log error I get when I am updating existing records:
Could not log "sql.active_record" event. NoMethodError: undefined method `name' for 21:Fixnum
[1m[36m (0.1ms)[0m [1mbegin transaction[0m
[1m[35m (0.4ms)[0m UPDATE `general_ledgers` SET `accnt_dscr` = 'Other Expenses', `updated_at` = '2014-03-03 14:10:26' WHERE `general_ledgers`.`id` = 21
[1m[36m (0.3ms)[0m [1mcommit transaction[0m
Although the sql commands are executed and the records are deleted, I am unable to get the SQL commands generated.
I've tried using sqlite3 for testing and the
Could not log "sql.active_record" event.
error doesn't show up.
I've been trying to figure out where this logging error is coming from and I can't locate it. I'm not sure if I would just leave it alone since the commands are still executed.