I have a grid containing store. I'm not able to group the rows in that grid for some reason.
my grid looks something like this (can't upload a picture since i don't have enough reputation):
| userName | sipUserName | osIdentifier | ... |
| 1 | 1 | 123456 | 1 |
| 1 | 2 | 654321 | 1 |
| 3 | 3 | 654321 | 2 |
| 4 | 4 | 654321 | 1 |
And i want to aggregate the results by the 'userName' column.
The grid contains the store is:
UsersGrid = function(config) {
var serviceName = 'getSystemInfo?groupName=';
this.store = new RestStore({serviceName: serviceName, fields:[
] , groupField : 'userName'
this.store.on('beforeload', function(store, options){
var params = Ext.getCmp('UsersPanel').getParams();
}, this);
UsersGrid.superclass.constructor.call(this, {
selModel:new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect:true}),
features: [
ftype: 'grouping',
groupHeaderTpl: [
hideGroupedHeader: true,
startCollapsed: false
{header:'User Name', dataIndex:'userName', width:100, sortable:true}
,{header:'Sip User Name', dataIndex:'sipUserName', width:100, sortable:true}
,{header:'Os Identifier', dataIndex:'osIdentifier', width:100, sortable:true}
,{header:'Major Version', dataIndex:'majorVersion', width:100, sortable:true }
,{header:'Minor Version', dataIndex:'minorVersion', width:100, sortable:true }
,{header:'Patch Version', dataIndex:'patchVersion', width:100, sortable:true }
,{header:'Platform', dataIndex:'platformIdentifier', width:100, sortable:true }
bbar:new Ext.PagingToolbar({store:this.store, pageSize:50, displayInfo:true})
Ext.apply(this, config);
this.store.paging = this.getBottomToolbar();
Ext.extend(UsersGrid, Ext.grid.GridPanel, {});
The store I'm using is:
// default REST store
RestStore = function(cfg) {
var url = cfg.url || apiUrl;
var idProperty = cfg.idProperty || 'id';
if (!cfg.url && cfg.serviceName) url=url+cfg.serviceName;
var groupField = cfg.groupField;
RestStore.superclass.constructor.call(this, {
proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
listeners: {
beforeload: {scope:this, fn:function(ds, params){
var webQuery={};
var page=1; if (params.start) page = Math.ceil(params.start / params.limit);
if (this.paging) {
webQuery.numberOrItemsPerRequest = this.paging.pageSize;
webQuery.requestNumber = page;
webQuery.likeCriterions = params.likeCriterions;
webQuery.simpleCriterions = params.simpleCriterions;
webQuery.simpleDateCriterions = params.simpleDateCriterions;
webQuery.inCriterions = params.inCriterions;
webQuery.orders = params.orders;
if (!isEmpty(webQuery)) params.webQuery=webQuery;
reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader(
{totalProperty:'filter.totalEntities', root:'entities', idProperty:idProperty, messageProperty:'message', successProperty:'success', groupField:groupField},
,writer: new Ext.data.JsonWriter({encode:true, writeAllFields:true})
,listeners: {
exception: function(proxy, type, action, op, res){
var d={};
if (!res.message && res.responseText) { d=Ext.decode(res.responseText); res.message=d.errorMessage; }
Ext.Msg.show({title:'Error'+(d.errorCode?' #'+d.errorCode:''), msg:(res.message||'error'), icon:Ext.MessageBox.ERROR, buttons:Ext.Msg.OK, minWidth:600});
load:function(ds, rec, op){ // set totalLength
if (ds.reader.jsonData.filter && ds.reader.jsonData.filter.totalEntities) ds.totalLength = ds.reader.jsonData.filter.totalEntities;
Ext.extend(RestStore, Ext.data.Store);
readRecords : function(o){
this.jsonData = o;
if(o.metaData) this.onMetaChange(o.metaData);
var s = this.meta, Record = this.recordType, f = Record.prototype.fields, fi = f.items, fl = f.length, v;
v = this.getSuccess(o);
if(v === false || v === 'false') success = false;
v = parseInt(this.getTotal(o), 10);
if(!isNaN(v)) totalRecords = v;
groupField = s.groupField;
var root = this.getRoot(o);
if (!root) { // no records returned
return {success:success, records:[], totalRecords:0, message:o.message};
var c = root.length, totalRecords = c, success = true;
return {
success : success,
records : this.extractData(root, true),
totalRecords : totalRecords,
groupField : groupField,
remoteGroup : true
Can anyone help in figuring out what is the problem?