I have 2 stores with different models but same direct proxy configuration. When i load these 2 stores (i call store.load() for both stores at the same time) ext is sending only one request (containing both loads) and the second store is not populated with data. I tried setting batchActions to false with no success. I am using ext direct spring on server side.
Proxy configuration:
proxy: { type: 'direct', batchActions:false, directFn:doctorDirectController.getAll, reader:{ type:'json', root:'records' } }
When i set timeout for 1 sec everything works fine:
this.doctorStore1.load(); var me = this; setTimeout(function() { me.doctorStore2.load(); }, 1000);
So the 2 questions:
- How to force directproxy not to batch getAll requests
- Why second store is not being populated with data? The request and response contains tids that match up.