As i am pretty new to assembly, i have a few questions in regards to how i should convert from a lowercase to an uppercase if the user enters an uppercase letter or vice versa in assembly. here is what i have so far:
section .data
Enter db "Enter: "
Enter_Len equ $-Enter
Output db "Output: "
Output_Len equ $-Output
Thanks db "Thanks!"
Thanks_Len equ $-Thanks
Loop_Iter dd 0 ; Loop counter
section .bss
In_Buffer resb 2
In_Buffer_Len equ $-In_Buffer
section .text
global _start
; Print Enter message
mov eax, 4 ; sys_write
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, Enter
mov edx, Enter_Len
int 80h
; Read input
mov eax, 3 ; sys_read
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, In_Buffer
mov edx, In_Buffer_Len
int 80h
So basically, if i am correct, my edx contains the string entered. Now comes the dilemma of converting from lower to upper and upper to lowercase. As i am absolutely new to this, have literally no clue what to do. Any help would be much appreciated :)