Our team is having an issue when a publish from the content authoring server to the the content delivery web database will not refresh the content delivery server's cache.
We have a content authoring server which has a master, core, and web database. We also have a content delivery server which has it's own master, core, and web. We have two publishing options. One will publish to the content authoring web database. The other will publish to the content delivery server's web database.
My question(s):
1) How would the publish on the content authoring server know to clear the cache on the content delivery server?
In our site definition file we have defined two events named "publish:end" and "publish:end:remote". The method we've attached here is type="Sitecore.Publishing.HtmlCacheClearer, Sitecore.Kernel", method="ClearCache"
2) What is the difference between "publish:end" and "publish:end:remote"?
We have separate site definition files for each environment. There is one for the content authoring server and one for the content delivery server. Since the publish to the content delivery server's web database occurs on the content authoring server - one would assume that it is using the events declared in the content authoring server's site definition file.
3) Can we add the 'content delivery sites' into the content authoring site definition, and then add them into the "publish:end" and "publish:end:remote" event declarations?
4) Does one need to add them to one or both?
5) What exactly does the content authoring site do when it pulls the list of sites in the "publish:end" and "publish:end:remote" configurations?