I had the exact same problem and after searching a long time and combining what I found, I came to this :
1) above my scheduler I have a kendodropdownlist
<input id="reservationPicker" />
dataTextField: "name",
dataValueField: "reservationDefTypeId",
dataSource: reservationPickerDataSource
2) my event has an extra field reservationDef which will hold the information of the dropdownlist.
3) I can use this information in my template
<script id="editorScheduler" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<div id="main">
<h3>Mechanic stuff</h3>
#}else if(reservationDef=="carpetCleaner"){#
<h3>Carpet Cleaner stuff</h3>
<h3>unknown type of reservation !</h3>
#: reservationDef #
4) I use this template in my scheduler
editable: {
template: $("#editorScheduler").html()
5) but what with a new appointment ! I use the add event of the scheduler and I fill in this information in the event
add: function (e) {
var reservationTypes = $("#reservationPicker").data("kendoDropDownList");
var selectedReservationType = reservationTypes.dataItem();
e.event.reservationDef = selectedReservationType.appointmentTitle;
This does the trick for me. Good luck !