I'm attempting to use the new Kendo Scheduler widget. I have server code generating text/jsonp using PHP for two events but they dont show. Firebug shows me this as the response :-
[{"TaskID":"599","Title":"Test Al's Birthday","Description":"Als birthday bash","Start":"2014-07-16 04:00:00","End":"2014-07-18 04:00:00","RecurrenceID":null,"RecurrenceRule":null,"RecurrenceException":null,"StartTimeZone":null,"EndTimeZone":null,"IsAllDay":"false"},{"TaskID":"598","Title":"test dave bday","Description":"Daves birthday bash","Start":"2014-07-16 04:00:00","End":"2014-07-17 04:00:00","RecurrenceID":null,"RecurrenceRule":null,"RecurrenceException":null,"StartTimeZone":null,"EndTimeZone":null,"IsAllDay":"false"}]
I should have mentioned I used the 'Basic Usage' example and only changed the URL for the read to be my php script. Everything else is the same.
What am I missing, is it the date formats ? I'm using mysql and my select is:
select p.id as TaskID, p.name as Title, p.Description, date_format(p.project_start,GET_FORMAT(DATETIME,'ISO')) as Start, date_format(p.project_end,GET_FORMAT(DATETIME,'ISO')) as End, null as 'RecurrenceID', null as 'RecurrenceRule', null as 'RecurrenceException', null as 'StartTimeZone', null as 'EndTimeZone', 'false' as 'IsAllDay'
I jsut can't see what could be wrong ??