
I am using Silverstripe and i am really confused. I created Holder and Page class and theirs .ss files.


class NewsPage extends Page {
    static $db = array('Date' => 'Date', 'Author' => 'Text');

    public function getCMSFields() {
        $fields = parent::getCMSFields();

        $fields -> addFieldToTab('Root.Main', $dateField = new DateField('Date', 'Date'), 'Content');
        $dateField -> setConfig('showcalendar', true);      
        $fields -> addFieldToTab('Root.Main', new TextField('Author', 'Article author'), 'Content');        

        return $fields;

class NewsPage_Controller extends Page_Controller {

        public function init() {


class NewsHolder extends Page {
    static $allowed_children = array('NewsPage');   

class NewsHolder_Controller extends Page_Controller {

    public function NewsList() {        
        $holder = NewsHolder::get()->filter('ID', $this->ID);
        return ($holder) ? NewsPage::get()->filter('ParentID', $this->ID)->sort('Date DESC')->limit(3) : false;    


    <div class="content">
    <p class="author">
    <p class="info">


<% loop $NewsList %>    
   <h2><a href="$Link">$Title</a></h2>
   <p class="demo">
     $Content.FirstParagraph ...
<% end_loop %>

These classes is for articles and works fine. I copied these codes for GalleryPage and GalleryHolder which I want for pictures. The problem is that Silverstripe do not use GalleryHolder.ss but default Page.ss template.

I cannot figure out why. For NewsPage.ss and NewsHolder.ss it works fine, but exactly same code in another classes (GalleryPage and GalleryHolder) use default Page.ss. Code is the same, I just changed all NewsPage or NewsHolder strings to GalleryPage and GalleryHolder.

Edit : copied code for Gallery pages


class GalPage extends Page {
    static $db = array('Date' => 'Date', 'Author' => 'Text');

    public function getCMSFields() {
        $fields = parent::getCMSFields();

        $fields -> addFieldToTab('Root.Main', $dateField = new DateField('Date', 'Date'), 'Content');
        $dateField -> setConfig('showcalendar', true);      
        $fields -> addFieldToTab('Root.Main', new TextField('Author', 'Article author'), 'Content');        

        return $fields;

class GalPage_Controller extends Page_Controller {

        public function init() {


class GalHolder extends Page {
    static $allowed_children = array('GalPage');    

class GalHolder_Controller extends Page_Controller {

    public function NewsssList() {      
        $holder = GalHolder::get()->filter('ID', $this->ID);
        return ($holder) ? GalPage::get()->filter('ParentID', $this->ID)->sort('Date DESC')->limit(3) : false;    


    <div class="content">
    <p class="author">
    <p class="info">


<% loop $NewsssList %>  
   <h2><a href="$Link">$Title</a></h2>
   <p class="demo">
     $Content.FirstParagraph ...
<% end_loop %>

Can you please give me some advice how to fix the problem ?

Have you called ?flush=all on the page?3dgoo
If your problem is with GalleryPage and GalleryHolder post the code for those pages, rather than News. Maybe we'll pick up something wrong.3dgoo
I will test your code next time I'm on my computer and let you know if I find anything.3dgoo
I have put your code in exactly as you have it and it works for me. I put the templates in themes/[theme-name]/templates/Layout/.3dgoo
As 3dgoo said - have you placed the template files within the themes directory? Also, sometimes manually clearing the cache (i.e. delete the files in silvestripe-cache folder) helps.Prembo

2 Answers


As 3dgoo said - have you placed the template files within the themes directory? Also, sometimes manually clearing the cache (i.e. delete the files in silvestripe-cache folder) helps.


Your folder 'layout' should be 'Layout' (case-sensitive).