I want to schedule a cron job in Google App Engine.
I have a url that I would like to call, this is the job.
I am not cron job knowledgeable, but the developer of the files I want to run provided the command line I am to run.
I read the Google App Engine PHP cron job documentation, and I understand the scheduling part. From the documentation's example, I would use the path "/backup." However, I don't know how would I write the file to enter the command.
This is a link to the documentation: https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/php/config/cron
THE SCHEDULING PART (I understand this):
file cron.yaml
- description: weekly backup
url: /backup
schedule: every monday 05:00
timezone: America/Los_Angeles
The cron command line (if this is what is called) is:
curl -b /tmp/cookies.txt -c /tmp/cookies.txt -L --max-redirs 1000 -v "http://somedomain.com/index.php?option=someoption&view=someview&key=somekey"
Notice I am calling a url, the url is NOT in the GAE
I am using the GAE PHP SDK
Where would I write the cron command?
What is file extension for this code?