I'm trying to make word document readonly using open xml manipulations. I'm not sure if I'm on the right track or completely wrong track entirely. I've included all my relevant code way below. It doesn't seem to have the intended (or any) effect.
I have opened the xml and verified that some permissions things are happening in the xml, although I'm not sure if its the right things.
This is one of the things that happens to the xml file in the docprop/app.xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ap:Properties xmlns:ap="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/extended-properties">
This is one of the things that happens in the word/settings.xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<w:settings xmlns:w="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main">
<w:documentProtection w:enforcement="true" w:edit="readOnly"/>
my code used to add readonly permissions to a documents is below
public static class OpenXMLManipulations
public static void AddReadonlyPermissions(string filePath)
using (var myDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open(filePath, true))
if (Equals(myDocument.ExtendedFilePropertiesPart, null))
if (Equals(myDocument.ExtendedFilePropertiesPart.Properties, null))
myDocument.ExtendedFilePropertiesPart.Properties = new Properties();
= new DocumentSecurity("4");
* Code 4 enforces read only
* http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/documentformat.openxml.extendedproperties.documentsecurity(v=office.14).aspx
if (Equals(myDocument.MainDocumentPart.DocumentSettingsPart, null))
if (!Equals(myDocument.MainDocumentPart.DocumentSettingsPart.Settings, null) &&
(myDocument.MainDocumentPart.DocumentSettingsPart.Settings.ChildElements.Count > 0))
var dps = myDocument.MainDocumentPart.DocumentSettingsPart
foreach(var _dp in dps)
var dp = new DocumentProtection();
dp.Edit = DocumentProtectionValues.ReadOnly;
dp.Enforcement = OnOffValue.FromBoolean(true);
if (Equals(myDocument.MainDocumentPart.DocumentSettingsPart.Settings, null))
myDocument.MainDocumentPart.DocumentSettingsPart.Settings = new Settings();
I'm a bit miffed with this process. Any pointers to what I'm doing wrong?
When I open the sample word document, there is no indication that I've added any permsissions modifiers, ie. everything opens normally.
Thanks, Sam