I'm stuck with what I think it a problem of not knowing how to find the right projection input for my state plane (Alaska State Plane Zone 4 NAD83 Feet) to use with function sp::CRS
I'm following the directions for converting from a state plane at: Convert latitude/longitude to state plane coordinates
and I've looked into ?CRS which took me to http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/ from References but I can't even tell if this site is going to have what I need.
I'm using Hadley Wickham's tutorial for plotting shapefiles at: https://github.com/hadley/ggplot2/wiki/plotting-polygon-shapefiles
And I can plot any of the shapefiles I like from: http://munimaps.muni.org/moagis/download.htm
My code:
my_dsn <- "directory where the shapefile is"
Assembly = readOGR(dsn=my_dsn, layer="assembly")
Assembly@data$id = rownames(Assembly@data)
Assembly.points = fortify(Assembly, region="id")
Assembly.df = join(Assembly.points, Assembly@data, by="id")
Assembly@data$id = rownames(Assembly@data)
Assembly.points = fortify(Assembly, region="id")
Assembly.df = join(Assembly.points, Assembly@data, by="id")
#Assembly.df$DISTRICT <- factor(Assembly.df$DISTRICT)
ggplot(Assembly.df) +
aes(long,lat,group=group) +
geom_path(color="black") +
Please help me find the input I need to convert projections. I'm new to working with map projections.