It's the first time I use a storyboard, and I have some questions about Localized strings.
Indeed, before, I had a file "localized.string" in each directory fr.lproj, en.lproj, etc. And I used my own key to identify each component:
button_one = @"Button One"; (en.lproj) button_one = @"Bouton Un"; (fr.lproj)
Here, I have a file Main.string which contains the object id of my component, but I can't change the object id with my own key like before. You know What I mean ?
And to change language, I made my own class which use the right localizable.string file when preferred language of the app changed.
Well, my question is: How can use the localization in this way or how should I use it ?
Thank you for you explanation!
EDIT: I found what I want: