Maybe this is a hot question, but I had a strange issue (or more probably it's me :) ). I'm trying to use the new localization workflo in XCode 4.5. The procedure I'm using is the following:
- Create a project
- Localize MainStoryboard with the base language.
- Add new language.
So now I have three folders, for example:
- base.lproj
- en.lproj
- it.lprj
I have MainStoryboard.strings in en.lproj and it.lproj.
This is cool...
I noticed that .strings files are not auto filled while I'm modifying the layout (add, remove buttons, labels etc.).
I noticed that the .strings files are filled just when I localize the storyboard. To add new changes I need to remove localization and re-localize.
Doing so I loose my previous changes, i.e. I need to translate all the strings again.
What is wrong in my procedure?
I alos tried using a .sh in the Build Phases section, that auto-update .strings files, but the problem is the same, each time the files are update I loose my translations... (this sounds logic).