
I want a specific product to be free when added to the cart along with another product from a chosen category.

I've added the conditions below, but in actions I cant find an option to apply the 100% discount to a specific SKU, only products in a specific category or attribute set.

Does anyone know how I can do this? Thank you



If a product in the cart is from category 3, then discount product with SKU 'blah' by 100%



If ALL  of these conditions are TRUE :
    If an item is FOUND  in the cart with ALL  of these conditions true: 
        Category  is  3  



enter image description here

The only ive found I can do this is if I put the product that I will be giving away in its own category and choosing that category in the actions page. No ideal, but it works.Oliver Evans

1 Answers


First of all you have to be sure that the SKU attribute can be used for the Promo rules creation. To do this, go to Catalogue/Attributes/Manage Attributes

go to Catalogue/Attributes/Manage Attributes

and edit the "SKU" attribute, setting the "Use for Promo Rule Conditions" attribute to YES

enter image description here

Then you can create such rules in the "Shopping Cart" price rules, with this conditions: 42 should be the your category 3

Where "42" is you category with id: 3

And the following actions:

enter image description here Where "Francis-orange" is you product with sku "blah".

In this way you will see the subtotal applying the 100% discount for the "blah" (Francis-orange) product.

enter image description here

Hope this helps!