
In my xpage which is bound to a domDoc datasource I want to build a preview mechanism for images stored in the datasource's richtext field. Designer and server are V 9.0.1.

The names of the attached images are stored as an array in a viewScope var and fed as source to a repeat control. The image control sits inside the repeat. I also put a link control alongside the image offering a means to download the file. The calculated url looks like this:


Calculation of the link works perfect, but the images are never displayed. Instead Firebug tells me that the image's source url could not be resolved. And indeed I see that the db path part has been rendered twice before the /xsp/.ibmmodres/domino/OpenAttachment/ portion of the url (but only once after it!):


Here's the code I'm using to calculate the source urls for both the link (using its value property) and the image (using its url property):

var unid=context.getUrlParameter('documentId');
var p=facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestContextPath();
return p+'/xsp/.ibmmodres/domino/OpenAttachment'+p+'/'+unid + '/rtBodyFld/'+imgEntry;

Here's what I tried so far to solve that miracle:

a) calculate the db path (facesContext...) beforePageLoad, store it in a viewScope, then reference the viewScope when build the image's source ==> same result as above

b) used the image's value property instead of url ==> same result as above

c) use a standard html <img /> tag where the src argument is built using "#{javascript:...}" with the identical code as above ==> this works fine!

So I do have a workaround with solution c), but still I'd like to learn why the path element is doubled only in the first portion of the url, and only for image resources.

tried two more things:
d) pulled the image control outside my repeat then added a fixed (and valid) filename to the calculated url ==> same (bad) result as above

e) calculated the entire url portion only except the image file name beforePageLoad and stored that in a viewScope var ==> this is the weirdest result: outside the image viewscope contains the correct path info, but inside I see the same bad result as above. So it appears that inside the image the viewScope variable is altered in parts???

This is so weird that I feel I must have made a very simple and stupid error here, but what could that be?


2 Answers


Are you looking for how to calculate attachment URLs? Try this:

function getAttachmentURL(docID:java.lang.String, attachmentName:java.lang.String) {
    var base = getBaseURL();
    var middle = "/xsp/.ibmmodres/domino/OpenAttachment";
    if (base.substr(0,4) == "/xsp") {
        middle += base.substr(4);
    } else {
        middle += base;
    var result = base + middle + "/" + docID + "/$File/" + attachmentName + "?Open";
    return result;

function getBaseURL() {
    var curURL = context.getUrl();
    var curAdr = curURL.getAddress();
    var rel = curURL.getSiteRelativeAddress(context);
    var step1 = curAdr.substr(0,curAdr.indexOf(rel));

    // Now cut off the http
    var step2 = step1.substr(step1.indexOf("//")+2);
    var result = step2.substr(step2.indexOf("/"));
    return result;   

Hope that helps!


Alright, it is as I feared: I had not taken into account that a relative url defined for an image control is automatically prefixed with /dbpath/dbfile.nsf/.

That's why that part always appeared twice no matter how I calculated my own url. It would have worked if I had used absolute urls (http://server/path/dbfile.nsf/...)

So instead the calculated url has to be built like that:

var unid=context.getUrlParameter('documentId');
var p=facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestContextPath();
return '/xsp/.ibmmodres/domino/OpenAttachment' + p + '/' + 
         unid + '/rtBodyFld/' + imgEntry;