It is not long ago that I asked this question, which was about updating a property bundle after a csjs-induced full refresh. I solved it with a URL-parameter that lead to a context.redirectToPage.
Now I have an xPage with a jquery-based jqGrid, which receives a string with JSON-data from the viewScope and displays that data in a table. When I edit a record in the grid and hit 'submit' the grid posts a parameter called 'oper' with values like 'edit', 'add', etc., for which I check in the beforePageLoad event of the page and then execute the save method of my managed bean. After this I update the viewScope variable with the new JSON-string and conduct a full refresh in the above mentioned manner which had worked before.
if (bccUser.isAdmin() && param.containsKey('oper') && param.get('oper').toString().length>0) {
print('jsonString in viewScope: '+viewScope.get('jsonString'));
if (bccUser.isAdmin() && param.containsKey('oper') && param.get('oper').toString().length>0) {
var url = context.getUrl().toSiteRelativeString(context);
if (url.indexOf('?')!=-1) {
url += "&doRefresh=true";
} else {
url += "?doRefresh=true";
print("redirecting to: "+url);
In the server console I can see the correct, updated JSON-string from the first print statement, so the save-method was successful and I have up-to-date data in my viewScope. The grid, however, does not show the updated data, neither does my test-div
<xp:text value="#{javascript:viewScope.get('jsonString')}" />
I also tried a partial refresh on the grid and div after updating the viewScope, but the same happened. After a manual refresh of the page everything is fine again. So, what's happening here? I just want to pass a simple string to a control. Am I mistaken again about the xPages-Lifecycle and the order of events?
Thanks in advance. Regards, Sarah