The site I am developing makes use of Microdata (using As we are shifting development over to use React to render our views I have hit a blocker where React will only render attributes in the HTML spec however Microdata specifies custom attributes such as itemscope
As I'm relatively new to React and haven't had chance to fully understand the core just yet, my question is what would be the best way to extend the functionality of react.js to allow for defined custom attributes, e.g., Microdata?
Is there a way of extending the attributes/props parser or is it a job for a mixin which checks all passed props and modifies the DOM element directly?
(Hopefully we'll be able to put together a drop in extension for everyone to provide support for this when a solution is clear.)
, …) are attributes defined by Microdata, not ( is "just" a vocabulary, i.e. it defines values that can be used for those attributes). – unor