
How do I connect a Worklight App to a remote WL Server? To be more precise, what all config changes and where should I make them, so that the WL App is at-least available in the WL Console (later I can upload all .wlapp files).

I was using WL version 5 earlier, so I do have some rough knowledge of how they work. But in WL version 6.1, I don't have any clues.

I am following the information center topic "Changing the Worklight Server associated with a project", but in vain.


1 Answers


In Worklight 6.1 the Build and Deploy action is now Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server.

Similarly, and expended upon the remote deploy action is now Run As > Build Settings and Deploy Target

See the following documentation topic: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/wrklight/v6r1m0/topic/com.ibm.worklight.dev.doc/dev/c_building_and_deploying_build_settings_deploy_target.html