I'm using worklight application management features from an Android native App.
I want that when in the console the application status is changed to "Access Disabled" the only option for the user will be to quit.
In the Knowledge Center and in Developer works there is documentation about how to do it:
http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSZH4A_6.2.0/com.ibm.worklight.appadmin.doc/admin/t_denying_access_to_older_app_versions.html?lang=en https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/worklight/entry/how_to_create_a_customized_remote_disable_behavior?lang=en
It is explained that you must set a specific value for the initOptions object used in the WL.Client.init() method.
But in the Android native API I have not found the way to set the initOptions. The init method is deprecated and it does not accept initOptions.
Also, in case of Remote Disable the ResponseListener used in the WLClient.connect(aResponseListener) is not invoked, success or failure, no method is executed. Is this working as designed? I would expect a failure or success but not nothing.
Is it possible in a native app to force the application to close in case of Remote Disable? How could I handle this situation manually in the app?