I'm new to Facebook's Query Language and am currently having an issue getting data to return from my queries. I'm using an application token to query Facebook about a user who has given permissions to the application. What follows are the permissions requested, the JavaScript implementation, and the returned output (sanitized to cover personal info):
user_about_me, user_activities, user_birthday, user_education_history, user_friends, user_hometown, user_interests, user_likes, user_location, user_photos, user_religion_politics, user_work_history, email, read_friendlists
access_token : accessToken,
method: 'fql.query',
query: 'SELECT uid, name, email, pic, about_me, activities, books, education, hometown_location, interests, movies, music, political, profile_blurb, religion, tv, work' +
' FROM user' +
' WHERE uid IN (' + tokens + ')'
function(response) {
"uid": ID,
"name": NAME,
"email": EMAIL,
"pic": PIC,
"about_me": null,
"activities": "",
"books": "",
"education": [],
"hometown_location": null,
"interests": "",
"movies": "",
"music": "Disturbed, System of a Down, The Bouncing Souls",
"political": null,
"profile_blurb": null,
"religion": null,
"tv": "",
"work": []
This data set is returned when I run the query from my site or via the Graph API Explorer using the application token. However, when I use the Graph API Explorer with an access token, I receive more information back (education,hometown, religion, politcal, work, etc).
My question is am I doing something wrong or cannot I not access certain data with an application token? The documentation (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/using-actions/#appaccesstoken - Other Capabilities of an App Access Token) led me to believe I could access this data without issue seeing as how the application was granted permission. Any help would be greatly appreciated.