I want to move the Title and Body parts into the the AsideFirst top level zone using the placement file. I am using the following syntax in my placement file:
<Match ContentType="Event">
<Place Parts_Title="/AsideFirst:1;"/>
<Place Parts_Common_Body="/AsideFirst:2;"/>
This is not working. The Event's Title and Body part are disappearing completely.
I have defined my AsideFirst zone in the theme.txt file, and the Layout.cshtml file is as follows:
Please note I have a "/" in my Place value as this is the syntax for rendering parts to top level zones. I have also tried this on a completely different content item, part and zone which did not work either.
The reason why I am doing through the placement file is that I want to eventually match a specific URL path so this only happens on a particular page.
I am using Orchard 1.7.1.
<Match ContentType="Event"> <Place Parts_Title="/AsideFirst:1"/> <Place Parts_Common_Body="/AsideFirst:2"/> </Match>
– Gmorken