
I have a Google App with OAuth 2.0 authentication. Everything used to work fine but recently I started getting the following "Request for permission" screen:

enter image description here

The strange part is that I get this screen when I pass access_type=online. Again, this used to work until recently.

What can be the cause for this? TIA


The requested scopes are:


I have already tried:

  • with and without access_type=online
  • with and without approval_prompt=auto

Edit #2:

This is the python code I'm using to generate the authentication URL:

encoded_params = urllib.urlencode({
    "response_type" : "code",
    "client_id" : MY_CLIENT_ID,
    "scope" : " ".join(MY_SCOPES),
    "redirect_uri" : MY_REDIRECT_URI,
    "state" : random_security_token,
    "access_type" : "online",
    "approval_prompt" : "auto",

auth_url = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?" + encoded_params

Update (Oct. 14):

Even with the new scopes, I still get the consent screen. Recently I got it for a new device I was using for the authentication.

How are you requesting oauth2 permissions? Do you have an app that can be launched pre-authenticaed from google drive or is it standalone using the api? If the latter, can you add the auth code to the question?daw
@daw I'm using python and manually generating the authentication url, see the edit I made.Tzach
hmm - looks ok. I am requesting the same scopes and get this unwanted prompt when launching from google drive. Google themselves are adding "access_type: offline" to the url they create. I wonder if its because the email address is available offline so they override the access_type?daw
@Tzach where you able to resolve your issue? I'm having the same issue and I'm not able to find a solution.Ioannis Tzikas
Does your redirect_url contain "localhost"? I was having this issue too. I changed the redirect_url to a public domain address, and so far it has fixed this issue. I have not been about to reproduce the error (yet). Not sure if that was the actual fix.infrared

9 Answers


I think G does this when your app requests a token and there is still a valid access or refresh token for the user for the scopes in question.

The solution is to revoke tokens when you're done with them (either on user logout or immediately after authenticating the user) by issuing this request:


You don't have to provide any app credentials, just the token as a URL argument.

(docs here https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2WebServer#tokenrevoke)

I had the same problem and no combination of access_type or approval_prompt values seemed to solve it. Revoking the token did the trick.

I'm not sure how to revoke all outstanding tokens for your app, unless you happened to store them. To test with your own user account, you can manually revoke the existing token for your app here:



The Scope for E-mail is now


Legacy Google+ APIs have been shut down as of March 7, 2019. Scopes previously requested by your apps may now be deprecated or invalid. Developers should update their code to remove or update references to Google+, Google+ APIs, and any related OAuth scopes. source: https://developers.google.com/+/scopes-shutdown


Google recently changed the Scope for Email. You should replace






Then the offline access should disappear.

See also:


Warning: This scope is deprecated. Google will no longer support this scope after Sept. 1, 2014. For details, see Migrating to Google+ Sign-In.

This also changes the way the email address is received:


Also keep in mind that you have to activate the Google+ API in your management console in order for this to work.


Using http://localhost in the redirect_url parameter of the OAuth request will cause the user to be asked to grant offline access the first time they authenticate after each login.


Tzach. In order to not prompt the consent screen after first login. You may need this to pass the value to the function :

$client->setApprovalPrompt ("auto");


I think this has been answered, but I can't find the link right now.

In a nutshell, Google recently made some changes around scopes in order to implement incremental scopes. Part of those changes is that if your app causes a auth prompt, yet the user has already authed, Google has to ask for something, so asks for offline access. Try setting


to avoid the prompt


I was having the same issue. Although I was not setting


However, according to my understanding, the default




From: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2WebServer: "The default style of access is called online."

What solved this for me was to remove:


There is still a consent form on the first go of course, just now it is not a consent form asking for offline access, which probably scares away some would-be users.

I believe the prompt parameter is intended as a replacement for the approval_prompt parameter. But it seems like if I set it to "consent", that should just mean I want the normal consent screen shown everytime, not the "offline access" consent screen. The docs here: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OpenIDConnect#prompt don't seem to refute that notion, so I'm not sure why it behaves this way. But at least I was able to get it working the way I want it, for now.


Well, I don't know if this actually constitutes an answer, but I've found that some users see the:

'Have offline access'

compared to others (who get what I think you want to see):

'View basic information about your account'


Are you using Google APIs Client Library?


It sets access_type to 'offline' when refreshing tokens on its own

In Python version, I changed line 1204 of oauth2client/client.py


    'access_type': 'offline',


    'access_type': 'online',

and it now works correctly.


I applied everything in this question. In my case, only clearing cookies worked.