I'm authorizing for Google Calendar usage from a .NET web application.
Here's the url I made: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar&redirect_uri=my_redirect_url&response_type=code&client_id=my_client_id&access_type=offline.
What I expected is the consent screen would say something like 'This application would like to access to your calendar', but it just says 'Have offline access'. Isn't that confusing? Did I miss something?
You request url is correct, and it should work, so it also confuses me. What happens if you request without access_type?
– Owen Cao
the same thing. I suspect this behaviour may be because I granted access to Calendar before.
– chester89
would you mind posting picture of the consent screen its giving you?
– DaImTo
actually, I solved this - I found out that Dane was right. I revoked the access to the calendar, then the consent screen was right.
– chester89