Can anyone help with this situation? I have two circles, one inside the other that should move together when I drag the outer one. The inner circle should appear only when the mouse is over the outer circle. When the drag is finished, both circles should go back to origin position. Here is fiddle with an example. And here is the code for it:
var deg90 = Math.PI / 2,
ptOuter = [200, 250],
rOuter = 70,
rInner = 10;
var ptInner = innerCircleXY(ptOuter[0],ptOuter[1],rOuter,rInner);
var drag = d3.behavior.drag()
.on("drag", function () {
var c2NewX=parseInt(outerCircle.attr("cx"),10) + d3.event.dx;
var c2NewY=parseInt(outerCircle.attr("cy"),10) + d3.event.dy;
var icNewX=parseInt(innerCircle.attr("cx"),10) + d3.event.dx;
var icNewY=parseInt(innerCircle.attr("cy"),10) + d3.event.dy;
"cx": c2NewX,
"cy": c2NewY
innerCircle.attr({"cx":icNewX, "cy":icNewY});
.on("dragend",function() {
innerCircle.transition().attr({"cx": ptInner[0],"cy": ptInner[1]});
outerCircle.transition().attr({"cx": ptOuter[0],"cy": ptOuter[1]});
var svg ='body').append('svg');
var outerCircle = svg.append('circle').attr({
cx: ptOuter[0],
cy: ptOuter[1],
r: rOuter,
fill: '#FFA300',
stroke: '#FFA300',
"stroke-width": 0})
.style({'cursor': 'pointer'})
var innerCircle = svg.append('circle').attr({
cx: ptInner[0],
cy: ptInner[1],
r: rInner,
fill: 'white',
stroke: '#666666',
"stroke-width": 1,
"stroke-opacity": 0.9})
.style({'cursor': 'pointer', 'opacity':'0.0'});
outerCircle.on("mouseover", function(){innerCircle.transition().style({'opacity':'1.0'}).duration(300);});
outerCircle.on("mouseout", function(){innerCircle.transition().style({'opacity':'0.0'}).duration(300);});
function innerCircleXY(oX, oY, oR, iR) { var rDiff = Math.abs(oR - iR); var angle = Math.PI/3; // 60 degrees var x = oX + rDiff*Math.sin(angle); var y = oY + rDiff*Math.cos(angle); return ([x,y]); }
The problem is that when I drag the outer circle and release, the inner circle doesn't go all the way back, but stop in the middle. I'm not sure what am I doing wrong.
--> UPDATE <-- This happens arbitrary and could be a case of specific OS or browser (for me it is OSX with chrome or safari).
Here is a screencast of what happens on my computer.