
The following is a file upload feature built with codeigniter. This code works fine on locahost, but when I uploaded to the server, nothing works.

The folders are not created, and the data is not inserted into the database.

error_reporting(E_ERROR); // remove when error checking

class Upload extends CI_Controller {

    function __construct(){
        $this->load->helper(array('form', 'url'));



    function index()

    $upload_config = $this->upload_model->get_config();

            $this->form_validation->set_rules('userfile', 'UserFile', 'required');

            if ($this->input->post('submit'))
            //Access bf_upload_settings table through Model function

            // Check and Create upload path
             if (!is_dir($upload_config['upload_path']))
                    mkdir($upload_config['upload_path'], 0777, TRUE);


            // Check and Create tmp directory
             if (!is_dir($upload_config['upload_path'].'/'.$this->config->item('tmp_dir')))

                    if(!mkdir($upload_config['upload_path'].'/'.$this->config->item('tmp_dir')) )
                                    die('Failed to create folder: '.$this->config->item('tmp_dir') );

            // Check and Create User directory (username used)

            // set the configurations fro  the  CI Upload class, using values from database in bf_upload_settings table
            $config['upload_path'] = $upload_config['upload_path'].'/'.$this->config->item('tmp_dir');
            $config['allowed_types'] = implode('|', unserialize( $upload_config['allowed_types'] ) );
            $config['max_size'] = $upload_config['max_size_kb']*1024; //Value stored in Database (KB) converted to Bytes

            $this->load->library('upload', $config);    

            if ( ! $this->upload->do_upload())


                    $upload = $this->upload->data();

                    $data = array(
                      'name' => $upload['file_name'],
                      'file_size' => $upload['file_size'],
                      'file_path' => $upload['full_path'],
                      'file_type' => $upload['file_type'],
                      'user_id' => $user_profile['id']


                     $is_image=$upload['is_image']; // Checks if the uploaded file is an image file
                     $name= $upload['file_name'];

                     //Check if file is a Video, if so, send it to the video folder in User Uploads Folder
                     if ($upload['file_type']=='video/mp4')
                         if (!is_dir($upload_config['upload_path'].'/'.$this->config->item('videos_dir')))
                                if(!mkdir($upload_config['upload_path'].'/'.$this->config->item('videos_dir')) )
                                    die('Failed to create folder: '.$this->config->item('videos_dir') );


                            copy($upload_config['upload_path'].'/'.$this->config->item('tmp_dir').'/'.$name, $upload_config['upload_path'].'/'.$this->config->item('videos_dir').'/'.$name);
                            // rename($upload_config['upload_path'].'/'.$this->config->item('videos_dir').'/'.$name, $upload_config['upload_path'].'/'.$this->config->item('videos_dir').$name);

                     if ($upload['file_type']=='audio/mpeg' || 'audio/mp3')  //Check if file is an image, if so, send it to the images folder in User Uploads Folder
                        if (!is_dir($upload_config['upload_path'].'/'.$this->config->item('audio_dir')))
                                if(!mkdir($upload_config['upload_path'].'/'.$this->config->item('audio_dir')) )
                                    die('Failed to create folder: '.$this->config->item('audio_dir') ); 


                            copy($upload_config['upload_path'].'/'.$this->config->item('tmp_dir').'/'.$name, $upload_config['upload_path'].'/'.$this->config->item('audio_dir').'/'.$name);
                            // rename($upload_config['upload_path'].'/'.$this->config->item('audio_dir').'/'.$name, $upload_config['upload_path'].'/'.$this->config->item('audio_dir').$name);

                    if ( $this->upload_model->insert($data) )









Nothing works now. How do I fix this?

UPDATE: Also, when I try to upload a file, in this case a .mp4 video, I get the error "The filetype you are attempting to upload is not allowed.", even though I have it set as an allowed type.


I have been trying to upload videos (.mp4). Which I do have set as an allowed type. I tried uploading a pdf, and an image, and they both were uploaded successfully.

Why is the server not uploading the video file? How do I fix this?

check your $upload_config['upload_path'] path and permissions. Try to create $upload_config['upload_path'] manually and set 0777 permissions.Alex Kapustin
check your base_url path and upload_path alsoAgha Umair Ahmed
Still not working. Do I have to change any server configs. I am using filezillauser3237078
@AghaUmairAhmed My base_url is app.com/upload and my upload path is set to assets/uploadsuser3237078
given folder writing permission through cpanel or wat ever host account you havesaurabh kamble

1 Answers


it is your document root path not base url you have to define in constants.php like this

define('UPLOAD_PATH',   $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/yoururl/assets/uploads/');

and when echo use some thing like that