I somewhat understand that URNs are used to provide unique and location independent name for the resource. Yet I fail to see their usefulness and how exactly they work:
a) In order for URN to really be unique, there would have to be some central authority (similar to authority for domain names) where we could register URNs and that way ensure they are unique. Since there isn’t any such authority, how else do we make sure that our URNs are unique? And if we can’t. then what’s the point of having them?
b) Also,I don’t understand the reasoning behind URNs having the format urn:NID:NSS. What makes this format more efficient/logical than for example urn:NID:NID1:NSS?
c) And finally, how can URN help us locate a resource on the internet?
I'm not sure what you mean. NID is the Namespace Identifier and NSS is the Namespace Specific String Are you proposing a system of sub-namespaces?
I’m just trying to make sense of why the format URN uses is “superb” to other formats, such as urn:NID:NID1:NSS