
IntelliJ IDEA is showing errors when I use Spring's @Autowired annotation in the class, but the class is functioning without any problem.

Here is this error message:

Autowired members must be defined in the valid spring bean (@Component/@Service,etc.) less... (Ctrl+F1) Checks autowiring problems in a bean class.

try to use this: @SuppressWarnings("SpringJavaAutowiringInspection")i-bob
I have the same error for my integration test classes. I think using the @SupressWarnings annotation is a nice solution.Kevin Wittek
I had to use @SuppressWarnings("SpringJavaAutowiredMembersInspection")user672009
For IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3.1 (Ultimate Edition) use @SuppressWarnings("SpringJavaInjectionPointsAutowiringInspection")lealceldeiro
Just hit alt + enter on warning, then rigth arrow and select Suppress for class. Idea will add right @SuppressWarnings annotation automaticallyalaster

26 Answers


I had the same problem with IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.4 I solved it by removing the Spring facet (File->Project Structure) and leaving it to just show "Detection".


I fixed it by adding the supress warning:

 private ....

If you know that the bean exists and its just a problem of the inspections, then just add the following before the variable declaration:

@Inject MyClass myVariable;

Sometimes IntelliJ cannot resolve if a bean has been declared, for example when the bean is included conditionally and the condition resolution happens dynamically at runtime. In such a case it seems the static code analyzer of IntelliJ cannot detect the bean.


Got the same error here!

It seems the Intellij cannot verify if the class implementation is a @Service or @Component.

Solve it just changing from Error to Warning(Pressing Alt + Enter).


Remove .iml file from all your project module and next go to File -> Invalidate Caches/Restart


File -> ProjectStructure -> Modules -> +(in central column) -> Spring ->OK


I had the same problem. I solved it by adding the Spring facet (File->Project Structure) for each relevant module, and then add the configuration files. For some projects (spring mvc), the config files where detected automatically. However, for a jar project, I had to add the configuration files manually.


Solved the issue by going to File >> Project Structure >> Facets and then adding all the configuration files to Spring Facet. After that it started detecting files in which the beans reside and was able to sort the issue. IntelliJ giving this check is quite valuable and IMHO shouldn't be disabled.


Make sure you have your Spring bean definitions correct. Sometimes, the application works fine, it just displays an error in the IDE, check your project ‘iml’ file if you have a Spring facet defined.


I might be a little late, but after spending hours and researching on this issue.

I found out that in the latest version IntelliJ 2020 @AutoWired is optional and constructor based depedency injection is preferable.

I sloved the problem by simply removing the @AutoWired Annotation from Service and Controller class and using constructor based dependency injection.

This link might help.

Happy Coding!


It seems like the visibility problem - the parent controller doesn't see the Component you are trying to wire.

Try to add

@ComponentScan("path to respective Component") 

to the parent controller.


Make sure that your IntelliJ Idea (IDE) is aware of all the necessary spring configurations that your module is being inspected against.

You can check this under

File > Project Structure > Modules > [your project name in the right panel] > Spring

Sometimes, we need to explicitly tell the IDE that the spring configuration is coming from a dependency (a jar present in your project classpath)


I got the same problem. Mine was because the bean containing the autowired reference was not a Spring component (it was an EJB), but got a SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor Interceptor allowing the use of autowiring. I think Intellij don't take this possibility in its Autowiring inspection.


I had this problem too. Doing alt+enter and then asking to either re-run or disable Spring inspection on the effected line fixed it. This only seems to have become an issue after the 13.4 update.


in my case I was missing to write in web.xml:




and in the application context file:

<context:component-scan base-package=[your package name] />

after add this tags and run maven to rebuild project the autowired error in intellj desapears and the bean icon appears in the left margin: enter image description here


Mine is for not adding @Repository on my CrudRepository interface, the tutorial I was watching didn't add it on STS and it didn't complain.


You should check if you have @Component, @Repository or similar added on the class


a little late but i hope it helps to someone else.

Make sure to put the @Service on the implementation class for the service

public class ServiceNameImpl implements ServiceName {

    public void method(ObjectType paramName) {


That's how i fixed the error.


I know this is an old question, but I haven't come across any answers that solved this problem for me so I'll provide my solution.

Note: I thought the issue may have been this, but my issue wasn't related to implementing the same interface twice. Using @Qualitier did make my issue go away, but it was a bandage and not a proper solution so I didn't settle with that.


I'm tasked with maintaining an old project that has gone through different versions of spring and only updated for separate modules, so things needed refactoring, to say the least. I had initially gotten the duplicate bean issue and tinkering with things changed the issue back and forth between OP's issue and the duplicate bean issue even though there was only one bean; navigating to the duplicate beans always went to the same class.


The issue was present on a @Repository class that was @Autowired in a @Service class which was also had the @ComponentScan annotation. I noticed that I also had a spring application-config.xml that was doing a context:component-scan on the base package, which I believe was the original approach in older versions of Spring. I was in the process of making a new branch by taking parts of an old branch and a newer branch in a support project that was used in different projects that were developed over several years and that is why there was such a mix-and-match of methodologies.


Since the more modern approach of using @ComponentScan was already implemented I just removed the application-config.xml and the issue was solved.


I solved that adding a Web facet.

director:Settings - Editor - Inspections - Spring - Spring Core - Code - Autowiring for Bean Class 
operate:checkout 勾去掉
1.impl class add @service
like this:
public class CityServiceImpl implements CityService{
private CityDao cityDao;

like this
2.dao file class add @Repository
public interface CityDao {

I've solved this problem this way. In IntelliJ all of your packages should be in a sub package which is the sub package of main/java. For example I've put all of my packages under src/main/java/com.misisol.watchStore/ and spring could find my beans then after.


Inject Bean with @Qualifier solved the problem for me.


I had similar problem. I solved it by unchecking "Process explicitly annotated beans" option (see screenshot below). This option is enabled by default on linux. Now @Service and @Configurations annotations are visible. screenshot


The following worked for me:

  1. Find all classes implementing the service(interface) which is giving the error.
  2. Mark each of those classes with the @Service annotation, to indicate them as business logic classes.
  3. Rebuild the project.

I had this problem with only one service with constructor based dependency injection with 2019.2.4 version of IntelliJ. I found it helpful to change the name of the service (shift + f6) and then discard the changes from the git level.