
Here is my question:I have a base interface and two implementation class.

And a Service class has a dependencies on the base interface, the code is like this:

public interface BaseInterface {}

public class ClazzImplA implements  BaseInterface{}

public class ClazzImplB implements  BaseInterface{}

And the configuration is like this :

public class SpringConfig {
    public BaseInterface clazzImplA(){
        return new ClazzImplA();

    public BaseInterface clazzImplB(){
        return new ClazzImplB();

The service class has dependencies on the base interface will decide to autowire which Implementation by some business logic.And the code is like this:

public class AutowiredClazz {
    private BaseInterface baseInterface;

    private AutowiredClazz(BaseInterface baseInterface){
        this.baseInterface = baseInterface;

And the IDEA throws a exception:Could not autowire.There is more than one bean of BaseInterface type.

Although it can be solved by using @Qualifier,but in this situation I can't choose the dependencies class.

private BaseInterface baseInterface;

I tried to read the spring document and it provide a Constructor-based dependency injection but I'm still confused by the problem.

can anyone help me ?

It's times like this that I hate Javagdbj
@gdbj facepalm it's about spring, not java You would have the same problem in any other language, that has DI. If you try to wire 2 beans to one field, you will have thisMartinL

5 Answers


Spring is confused between the 2 beans you have declared in you configuration class so you can use @Qualifier annotation along with @Autowired to remove the confusion by specifying which exact bean will be wired, apply these modifications on your configuration class

public class SpringConfig {
    public BaseInterface clazzImplA(){
        return new ClazzImplA();

    public BaseInterface clazzImplB(){
        return new ClazzImplB();

then at @autowired annotation

public class AutowiredClazz {
    @Qualifier("the name of the desired bean")
    private BaseInterface baseInterface;

    private AutowiredClazz(BaseInterface baseInterface){
        this.baseInterface = baseInterface;

This can not be solved by using spring framework only. You mentioned that based on some logic you need a instance of BaseInterface. This use case can be solved using Factory Pattern. Create A Bean which is actually a factory for BaseInterface

public class BaseInterfaceFactory{

  private BaseInterface baseInterfaceA;

  private BaseInterface baseInterfaceB;

  public BaseInterface getInstance(parameters which will decides what type of instance you want){
    // your logic to choose Instance A or Instance B
    return baseInterfaceA or baseInterfaceB


Configuration (Shamelessly copied from another comment)

public class SpringConfig {
    public BaseInterface clazzImplA(){
        return new ClazzImplA();

    public BaseInterface clazzImplB(){
        return new ClazzImplB();

Service class

public class AutowiredClazz {
    private BaseInterfaceFactory factory;

    public void someMethod(){
       BaseInterface a = factory.getInstance(some parameters);
       // do whatever with instance a

If you use @Autowired, Spring searches for a bean matching the type of the field you want to autowire. In your case there is more than one bean of the type BaseInterface. That means that Spring can't pick a matching bean unambiguously.

In such a situation you have no other choice to explicitly state the bean Spring should use or resolve the ambiguity.


An even cooler solution is to let the implementations themselves contain the logic to determine if they are applicable. You can inject all the available implementations as a collection and iterate over them to find one (or more, if that's what you need) applicable ones:

public interface BaseInterface {
    boolean canHandle(Object parameter);
    Object doTheWork(Object parameter);

public class SomeService {

    private final BaseInterface[] implementations;

    // Spring injects all beans implementing BaseInterface
    public MessageService(BaseInterface... implementations) {
        this.implementations = implementations;

    public Object doSomething(Object parameter) {
        BaseInterface baseInterface = findBaseInterface(parameter);
        return baseInterface.doTheWork(parameter);

    private BaseInterface findBaseInterface(Object parameter) {
        return Arrays.stream(implementations)
            .findAny(i -> i.canHandle(parameter)
            .orElseThrow(new MyRuntimeException(String.format("Could not find BaseInterface to handle %s", parameter)));

It has been rightly answered here that in such cases where an interface is implemented by more than one class we have to name each of those beans using @Component(name=$beanName)

I would like to add one more point that in such cases Spring can even autowire such beans in a map:

Map<String,InterfaceName> interfaceMap;
//this will generate beans and index them with beanName as key of map