
I would like to try out the vmath.vim plugin which adds up columns of numbers. It is available at: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bx3f0gFZh5Jqc0MtcUstV3BKdTQ/edit?lsrp=1

I copied the vmath.vim file into my ~/.vim/plugin folder. I also added the following lines in my vimrc

vmap <expr> ++ VMATH_YankAndAnalyse()
nmap ++ vip++

But using ++ in normal mode or visual mode does not work. Am i supposed to somehow load the plugin before?

perhaps this doesn't answer your question, but you may want to take a look ;) github.com/sk1418/HowMuchKent
Does the script appear at :scriptnames? Also, does :echo loaded_vmath give you 1?Ingo Karkat
@IngoKarkat positive for both.PyariBilli
@Kent thanx for the linkPyariBilli
@Kent I put the HowMuch.vim file in my plugin directory. But when I do <Leader>= in visual block mode I get =pattern not found. Am I missing somethingPyariBilli

1 Answers


There are a couple of github repos people created after the talk.

The one I am using is this one: https://github.com/DavidGamba/vim-vmath

It has instructions for pathogen and just by copying the file. If using Vundle use this:

Bundle 'nixon/vim-vmath'
vmap <expr>  ++  VMATH_YankAndAnalyse()
nmap         ++  vip++