With the system functionlaunch a bash script. The function system waits for the bash script finished execution and I will return the exit status of the script.
The bash script in question, in its execution flow has a loop that executes n times the same script with different parameters.Obviously when the loop condition is no longer valid, the loop is terminated and the exit is invoked. In this way there are child processes of the executed script from perl function system that are zombies.
The system function does not wait for processes zombies but only the first script launched.
The my scenario is:
perl system function ---launch---> my bash script ---launch---> bash script
---launch---> bash script
---launch---> bash script
---launch---> bash script
To wait until all processing is done, I have to change the bash script or function I can resolve directly with the function system perl?
process (a system process) that waits for children to die, and the zombies will vanish promptly. OTOH, if the child processes are still running, they're orhpaned and become children of theinit
process, but they won't stop until they complete. – Jonathan Leffler