Most of the answers propose 2 approaches:
- In some point of the code, send some sort of message through serial to check if your device is still alive
- Start a separate thread and continuously check if the device is alive by opening a communication
The problem with the first solution is that you are not always checking the connection, but only checking in some specific points: this solution isn't very elegant and if badly written could even be not working.
The second solution solves the problem of the first solution, but introduces a new problem: checking the connection, or worst sending a message, in a threaded loop will cause problem or may even interrupt the connection to the device from other functions.
A solution that allows you to constantly check the connection without monopolizing the communication involves the reading of the existing COM:
myports = [tuple(p) for p in list(]
print myports
[(u'COM3', u'Arduino Due Programming Port (COM3)', u'some more data...'),
(u'COM6', u'USB Serial Port (COM6)', u'some more data...'),
(u'COM100', u'com0com - serial port emulator (COM100)', u'some more data...')]
then we save the tuple that contains our port:
arduino_port = [port for port in myports if 'COM3' in port ][0]
then we create a function that checks if this port is still present:
import time
def check_presence(correct_port, interval=0.1):
while True:
myports = [tuple(p) for p in list(]
if arduino_port not in myports:
print "Arduino has been disconnected!"
At last, we run this function as a daemon thread:
import threading
port_controller = threading.Thread(target=check_presence, args=(arduino_port, 0.1,))
in this way, you'll check each 0.1 secs if the arduino is still connected, and the thread will end when arduino is disconnected or all other activities have ended