In my angular app, directives are working fine during the first visit, but once a page been visited twice, all the directive link function gets called twice too. Say I am on page A, click a link to go to page B and then back to page A, all directives on page A will execute the their link function twice. if I refresh the browser it will become normal again.
Here is an example where the console.log will output twice when the second visit.
@app.directive 'testChart', ["SalesOrder", (SalesOrder) ->
return {
scope: {options: '='}
link: (scope, elem, attrs) ->
SalesOrder.chart_data (data) ->
element: "dash-sales"
data: data
xkey: 'purchased_at'
ykeys: ['total']
labels: ['Series a']
Any idea?
My Route
when("/dash", { templateUrl: "<%= asset_path('app/views/pages/dash.html') %>", controller: DashCtrl }).
so my chart is duplicated