
The issue I have is that there are cookbooks that exist on github with the same name as a cookbook on the chef cookbook site (monit is the cookbook). I am write a cookbook and want to use the github version, however berkshelf pulls the version from the chef site when I include the metadata keyword in my Berksfile. I tried to override this in the Berksfile. here is the content of mt berksfile:

site :opscode
cookbook "monit" , git: "https://github.com/phlipper/chef-monit.git"

Looks like all I needed to do was remove my Berksfile.lock and move the monit line after the metadata line. Now when I "vagrant up" it pulls the version from github and all things work.rkesters

2 Answers


Add the cookbook in metadata file in last and name of cookbook should be in single quotes , below is the example

depends 'test'