
I use chef-server to manage my servers and am not trying to get the semi official logstash cookbook working but am having trobule with recipe dependencies.

I have all my cookbooks inside a chef-config repo along with the logstash one I cloned.

    /logstash - https://github.com/lusis/chef-logstash

I need to install the recipes which logstash which depends upon, this can be done with berkshelf, however berks install puts them in ~/.berkshelf/cookbooks/apache2 which seems a bit pointless as I need them in my cookbooks folder to allow me to upload them to chef-server.

I did try:

berks install --path /chef-repo/cookbooks

but this has 2 problems, first I overwrite other cookbooks of the same name (mysql) and all of my cookbooks are deleted.

How do people manage this problem?

Did cmur2's answer fix your problem?sethvargo
I would like to know how to install berkshelf as I am facing the issueuser3086014

1 Answers


Maybe you want specify two folders containing your coobkooks for chef, one with your cookbooks and another for foreign cookbooks.