I am using IBM WebSphere Message Queue for transferring my messages in .NET. Now I want to send some files using the message queue, is it is possible to send all file formats? And how can I send them using .NET?
2 Answers
There are two ways I think.
1) Use WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer (WMQMFT) product to transfer files. WMQMFT is a product built on top of WMQ. More details here
2) Write your own .NET application that
a) At the sender end, reads the file data
b) Attach the file data as message body to one or more messages.
c) Send message(s) to a queue.
d) At the receiver end, receive message(s) from the queue.
e) Assemble messages and write to a file.
WMQ does not care what the message data is. Therefore, read the file then send it as a message but remember that the "default" maximum message size is 4MB. Your MQAdmin can change the maximum message size to a maximum of 100MB.
If you need to transfer files greater than 100MB than you will need to use WMQ MFT or the open source project: Universal File Mover. http://www.capitalware.biz/ufm_overview.html