
I referred to many links and tried, but had no success. If any one has an idea then please please share with me. I read CocoaPods documents and many times tried to install but always failed because of the starting steps. I found one error whereby I can't install gems first. Can anyone give me the steps one by one? Such as steps or demo of how to install.

This is one link which I tried.

The screen shot refers to this console error I was given:

enter image description here

This is probably related to ruby version, Check version of ruby, ruby -v, what does it says ?Janak Nirmal
I think this is the answer for your question check this link stackoverflow.com/questions/2238340/…Anjaneyulu Battula

25 Answers


POD Install

[ 1 ] Open terminal and type:

sudo gem install cocoapods

Gem will get installed in Ruby inside System library. Or try on 10.11 Mac OSX El Capitan, type:

sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods

If there is an error "activesupport requires Ruby version >= 2.xx", then install latest activesupport first by typing in terminal.

sudo gem install activesupport -v 4.2.6

[ 2 ] After installation, there will be a lot of messages, read them and if no error found, it means cocoapods installation is done. Next, you need to setup the cocoapods master repo. Type in terminal:

pod setup

And wait it will download the master repo. The size is very big (370.0MB at Dec 2016). So it can be a while. You can track of the download by opening Activity and goto Network tab and search for git-remote-https. Alternatively you can try adding verbose to the command like so:

pod setup --verbose

[ 3 ] Once done it will output "Setup Complete", and you can create your Xcode project and save it.

[ 4 ] Then in terminal cd to your Xcode project root directory (where your .xcodeproj file resides) and type:

pod init

[ 5 ] Then open your project's podfile by typing in terminal:

open -a Xcode Podfile

[ 6 ] Your Podfile will get open in text mode. Initially there will be some default commands in there. Here is where you add your project's dependencies. For example, in the podfile, type

pod 'AFNetworking', '0.9.1'

(this line is an example of adding the AFNetworking library to your project).

Other tips:

Uncomment platform :ios, '9.0' Uncomment user_frameworks! if you're using Swift

When you are done editing the podfile, save it and close Xcode.

[ 7 ] Then install pods into your project by typing in terminal:

pod install

Depending how many libraries you added to your podfile for your project, the time to complete this varies. Once completed, there will be a message that says

"Pod installation complete! There are X dependencies from the Podfile and X total pods installed."

Now close your Xcode project. Then locate and open the .xcworkspace Xcode project file and start coding. (You should no longer open the xcodeproj file)


1.First open your terminal

2.Then update your gem file with command

sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods

3.Then give your project path

cd /your project path 

4.Touch the podifle

touch podfile

5.Open your podfile

open -e podfile

6.It will open a podfile like a text edit. Then set your target. For example if you want to set up Google maps then your podfile should be like

target 'yourProjectName' do
    pod 'GoogleMaps'

7.Then install the pod

pod install

This works for OS X El Capitan 10.11.x

sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods

On macOS Mojave with Xcode 10.3, I got scary warnings from the gem route with or without -n /usr/local/bin:

xcodeproj's executable "xcodeproj" conflicts with /usr/local/bin/xcodeproj
Overwrite the executable? [yN] 

What works for me is still Homebrew, just

brew install cocoapods

Simple Steps to installed pod file:

  1. Open terminal

  2. Command on terminal: sudo gem install cocoapods

  3. set your project path on terminal.

  4. command : pod init

  5. go to pod file of your project and adding pod which you want to install

  6. added in pod file : pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 3.0

  7. Command : Pod install

  8. Close project of Xcode

  9. open your Project from terminals

  10. Command : open PodDemos.xcworkspace


These are the complete steps that I usually follow. I am posting this steps as short as possible and assuming that you know about Mac and Xcode projects. First of all, open the terminal and use the following commands, and press enter after each command.

Type in the following command if you don't already have CocoaPods installed:

sudo gem install cocoapods

Now please move to your Xcode Project directory by using this following command, and replace /Your Xcode Project Directory Path with the actual path to the directory:

cd /Your Xcode Project Directory Path

Below are instructions for how to use CocoaPods. Please wait for some time after each and every command entered to the terminal to execute successfully.

  1. Searching for pods in terminal:

pod search networking (replace networking with which you want to search)

  1. Creating the pod file:

pod init

  1. Opening the pod file:

open -a Xcode Podfile

  1. Adding the pods: (After adding your pods you must save the podfile first and then head back to the terminal again.)
target 'WebServiceUsingMantleAFNetworking' do
# platform :ios, '8.0' //Choose your version of iOS
pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 2.6.0’



platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'AFNetworking'
pod 'Mantle'
pod 'LBBlurredImage'
pod 'TSMessages'
pod 'ReactiveCocoa'
  1. Installing the pods:

pod install

  1. Check for updates of pods on existing project:

pod outdated

  1. Update the existing pods:

pod update

  1. Uninstall the Cocoapods from system:

sudo gem uninstall cocoapods

There is a complete tutorial for removing pods from your Xcode project on stackoverflow. You can check on this following link for more info.

How to remove CocoaPods from a project?


Hope this helped.

  1. Open Terminal
  2. Type in sudo gem install cocoapods if you don't have CocoaPods
  3. Enter cd /project path, but replace project path with actual project path
  4. touch podfile
  5. Use one of the following commands to open the podfile: open -e podfile to open in TextEdit or open -a pod file to open in Xcode
  6. Set your target and add pod file of GoogleMaps like as:
    target 'PROJECT NAME HERE' do
    pod 'GoogleMaps'
  7. Use pod install to install dependencies

Year 2020, Installing Cocoapods v1.9.1 in Mac OS Catalina

  1. First setup your Xcode version in your mac using terminal.

$ sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app

  1. Next, Install cocoapods using terminal.

$ sudo gem install cocoapods

For More information, visit official website https://cocoapods.org/


Cocoapods Installation on macOS High Sierra:

  1. Install Homebrew https://brew.sh/

  2. Execute following commands in terminal:

sudo gem update --system   
sudo gem install activesupport -v 4.2.6

sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods

pod setup

pod setup --verbose

Pod Installation giving error on OS X El Capitan 10.11.2

ERROR: Error installing cocoapods: activesupport requires Ruby version >= 2.2.2.

enter image description here

After getting this error tried this command and install again its work for me.

sudo gem install activesupport -v 4.2.6

Now try same pod installation command

sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods

Hope it'll help to all of us.


Here is All step with image. please follow it properly and i am sure you will not get any error.

From How to install CocoaPods and setup with your Xcode project.

First of all check you have to install command line or not.

You can check this by opening Xcode, navigating the menu to

 Xcode > Preferences > Downloads > Components, finding Command Line Tools and select install/update.

Commandline tool

if you haven't find command line tool then you need to write this command in terminal. xcode-select --install

and click on install

if you have install command line tool. you need to select your Xcode directory (Sometimes this type of problems created due to different versions of Xcode available) follow this procedure.

Open terminal and run this command:

sudo gem install cocoapods

Enter admin password. This could take a while. After few minutes it will show green message is cocoa pods installed successfully in your mac machine.

If you are getting any error with Xcode 6 like developer path is missing. First run this command in terminal:

sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode6.app (or your XCodeName.app)

Now you can setup Pod with your Xcode project.

and now you have to install pod. follow this procedure.

  1. Open Terminal

  2. Change directory to your Xcode project root directory (where your ProjectName.xcodeproj file is placed).

  3. $ pod setup : (Setting up CocoaPods master repo)

If successful, it shows : Setup completed (read-only access). So, you setup everything. Now Lets do something which is more visible…Yes ! Lets install libraries in your Xcode project.

now you have to setup and update library related to pod in your project.

Steps to add-remove-update libraries in pod:

  1. Open Terminal

  2. Change directory to your Xcode project root directory. If your terminal is already running then no need to do this, as you are already at same path.

  3. $ touch pod file

  4. $ open -e podfile (This should open a blank text file)

  5. Add your library names in that text file. You can add new names (lib name), remove any name or change the version e.g :

    pod ’Facebook-iOS-SDK’
    pod ’EGOTableViewPullRefresh’
    pod ’JSONKit’
    pod ‘MBProgressHUD

NOTE: Use ( control + ” ) button to add single quote at both end of library name. It should be shown as straight vertical line. Without control button it shall be added as curly single quote which will give error while installation of file.

  1. Save and close this text file. Now libraries are setup and you have to install/update it

  2. Go to your terminal again and run this command: $ pod install (to install/update these libraries in pod).

You should see output similar to the following:

Updating spec repo `master’
Installing Facebook-iOS-SDK
Generating support files

Setup completed.


If you have followed this whole procedure correctly and step by step , then you can directly fire pod update command after selecting Xcode and then select your project path. and write your command pod update


you can also check command line tool here.

Command line tool in Location


For me, the easiest way was to install via ruby gem

sudo gem install cocoapods -v

Please note -v for verbose. It takes while to install cocoapods and often you get confused if it's really happening.


For MacOS, Catalina

sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods -v 1.8.4

Latest CocoaPods 1.10.0 seem not working.

Found answer there: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/668456


Pod File Install Steps

sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods

pod setup

cd ~/Path/To/Folder/Containing/ShowTracker

touch podfile
open -a Xcode Podfile // TO OPEN IT IN XCODE 
pod install  // TO INSTALL A NEW POD
pod update // TO UPDATE ALL PODS

Normally we use

sudo gem install cocoapods

Solution, fix for Cocoapods error on El Capitan 10.11:

sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods
pod setup
cd /project path
pod init

In Podfile we need to set target

# Podfile

platform :ios, '9.0'


# My other pods

target “Projectname” do

    pod 'MBProgressHUD', '~> 0.8'
    pod 'Reachability', '~> 3.1.1'
    pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 2.2'
    pod 'TPKeyboardAvoiding', '~> 1.2'


target 'ProjectnameTests' do

target 'ProjectnameUITests' do

in console - terminal

pod install
sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods

This worked for me, -n helps you fix the permission error.


cocoa pod installation step :

Open Your Terminal :

sudo gem update --system

sudo gem install activesupport -v 4.2.6

sudo gem install cocoapods

pod setup

pod setup --verbose

Then Go To Your Project Directory with Terminal

cd Your Project Path

Then Enter below command in Terminal

pod init

open -a Xcode Podfile

[Edit POD file with pod ‘libname’ ]

pod install

Thanks to SwiftBoy's 10-step solution I successfully used CocoaPods to setup the latest version of AudioKit.

1. Using Xcode create MyAudioApp Swift project saving it to my Developer directory e.g.


2. Using Cocoapods install AudioKit within MyAudioApp project (i.e. install AudioKit sdk)

3. Open Terminal, type command below and press Enter

    sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods

4. Provide system password and press Enter

5. In Terminal, type command below and press Enter

    cd /Users/me/Developer/MyAudioApp

6. Create project pod file - in Terminal type command below and press Enter

    touch Podfile

7. Open project pod file - in Terminal type command below and press Enter (opens in TextEdit)

    open Podfile

8. Edit code below into open pod file (and save file before quitting TextEdit)

    source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
        platform :ios, '12.2'

        target 'MyAudioApp' do
        pod 'AudioKit', '~> 4.7'

9. To install AudioKit in MyAudioApp workspace type Terminal command below and press Enter

    Pod install     

and wait for install to finish

10. In Finder, go to project folder /Users/me/Developer/MyAudioApp and click .xcworkspace file below (opens in Xcode!)


11. In MyAudioApp edit ViewController.swift and insert the following

    import AudioKit 

Are you behind a proxy? If so, pass the proxy as an argument sudo gem install --http-proxy http://user:[email protected]:80 cocoapods `


cocoapod on terminal follow this:

sudo gem update

sudo gem install cocoapods

pod setup

cd (project direct drag link) 

pod init

open -aXcode podfile (if its already open add your pod file name ex:alamofire4.3)

pod install

pod update
  1. Open Terminal
  2. Enter $ sudo gem install cocoapods command in terminal
  3. Create new Xcode project
  4. Navigate to directory containing Xcode project. Use cd “../directory-location/..” or cd [drag-and-drop project folder]
  5. Pod install

Screenshot for steps

If this prompts error Unable to add a source with url.. then install command line tool for Xcode. Again, rerun Pod install command.

This will install all dependencies as well.

Now, open your project in Workspace i.e. Project-Name.xcworkspace rather than Project-Name.xcodeproj


If you want to install CocoaPods first time for your project.

Example :Here we will install "Alamofire" sdk using cocoa pods step by step.

Step 1. Open Terminal and hit command and then press “Enter” key

sudo gem install cocoapods

Step 2. If it asks, you should provide system password and then press “Enter” key

Step 3. With command “cd” and give the path of your project and then press “Enter” key

Note : type "cd" command then space and drag project folder to the terminal it will take project path as shown below (Here my project name is : Simple Alamofire)

cd /Users/ramdhanchoudhary/Documents/Swift\ Workspace/Simple\ Alamofire

enter image description here

Step 4. Create a pod file in your project by terminal by command “touch Podfile” and press “Enter”

touch Podfile

Step 5. Then, open “Podfile” by terminal command “open Podfile” and press “Enter”

open Podfile

Step 6. Now type following code in opened pod file then save and close file

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
    platform :ios, '10.0'

    target '<Your Target Name>' do
            pod 'Alamofire', '~> 4.0'

Step 7. Back in Terminal type command “Pod install” and then press “Enter” Key.

Pod install

Step 8. Wait for the install to get complete 100% its around 650+ MB

Step 9. That's it goto project folder and open below file


Step 10. Import Alamofire class and use!!

import Alamofire


You can install cocoapods via brew in mac os.

first, open your terminal,

run this code (for install homebrew if you have not): Go here for latest command.

     /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

then install cocoapods easily via this command:

brew install cocoapods

Check this

gem install -p http://proxy_ip:proxy_port compass

You might need to add your user name and password to it:

gem install -p http://[username]:[password]@proxy_ip:proxy_port compass

and check this link it may help you



rvm install ruby-2.2.2.

rvm use ruby-2.2.2.

sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods