I am attempting to use a ChannelSplitter node to send an audio signal into both a ChannelMerger node and to the destination, and then trying to use the ChannelMerger node to merge two different audio signals (one from the split source, one from the microphone using getUserMedia) into a recorder using Recorder.js.
I keep getting the following error: "Uncaught SyntaxError: An invalid or illegal string was specified."
The error is at the following line of code:
Where audioSource is an instance of ThreeAudio.Source from the library ThreeAudio.js, splitter is a channel splitter I instantiated myself by modifying the prototype, and merger is my merger node. The code that precedes it is:
merger = context.createChannelMerger(2);
Where userInput is the stream from the user's microphone. That one connects without throwing an error. Sound is getting from the audioSource to the destination (I can hear it), so it doesn't seem like the splitter is necessarily wrong - I just can't seem to connect it.
Does anyone have any insight?