
my domain provider does not have CNAME interface (http://nic.do) they told me that they only works with DNS but all the documentation that i get from Azure is adding a CNAME.

how can i add custom domain name to my azure shared webssite??

Can you get a different DNS provider?Igorek
well i only can get .do domain in nic.do (Dominican Republic domain name provider)José Manuel Peña
You need a DNS hoster/provider.I know it sounds a little strange to use another service, but I use Route 53 by Amazon AWS for my DNS hosting, it costs about $0.50 USD/month.Jeff Wilcox
Thanks Jeff, let me try thatJosé Manuel Peña
Hello, i create my AWS account and set an Route 53, i put the NS address that amazon give me in the DNS of my domain, and then create the CNAME to from www.myDomain.do to AzureWsName.azurewebsites.net but when i try to enter to my url it shows: 404 - File or directory not found. The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.José Manuel Peña

1 Answers


As Jeff Wilcox said: i solved this problem using AWS Route 53, just had to configure the DNS on my domain to the ones that Route 53 gives to me and then configure the R53 using Windows Azure instructions.