I'm having an issue with setting a custom domain on an Azure Website. The azure website is http://gbyers.azurewebsites.net The custom domain i own is http://gordon.byers.me
I've set the cname's up so Azure can do it's verification that i own the domain. Here's what the dns settings look like.
[email protected] (Default):
awverify.byers.me. 13871 IN CNAME awverify.gbyers.azurewebsites.net.
azurewebsites.net. 1271 IN SOA prd1.azuredns-cloud.net. msnhst.microsoft.com.azurewebsites.net. 2031967751 900 300 604800 3600
[email protected] (Default):
awverify.gordon.byers.me. 14364 IN CNAME awverify.gbyers.azurewebsites.net.
azurewebsites.net. 1799 IN SOA prd1.azuredns-cloud.net. msnhst.microsoft.com.azurewebsites.net. 2031968612 900 300 604800 3600
[email protected] (Default):
awverify.www.byers.me. 13871 IN CNAME awverify.gbyers.azurewebsites.net.
azurewebsites.net. 1799 IN SOA prd1.azuredns-cloud.net. msnhst.microsoft.com.azurewebsites.net. 2031968612 900 300 604800 3600
Which all looks fine to me.
However Azure gives me the following error;
The DNS record for 'gordon.byers.me' that points to 'gbyers.azurewebsites.net' could not be located. If you want to configure an A record, you must first create a CNAME record with your DNS provider for 'awverify.gordon.byers.me' that points to 'awverify.gbyers.azurewebsites.net'. First allow the resource record to propagate, and then create the A record.
I created the CNAME records about 16 hours ago, I know DNS A records can sometimes take their time to expire/propogate.. but the TTL on CNAME's is usually pretty low.
Anyone got any bright ideas for me, or should i just wait the 48 hours and stop being so impatient?
Step 3 is to configure the new A records in the Azure websites dashboard. The configuration tool checks that both CNAME and A records are valid so it is not possible to add this before the configuration changes in the DNS-system has propagated.
– BenV