
I'm having an issue with setting a custom domain on an Azure Website. The azure website is http://gbyers.azurewebsites.net The custom domain i own is http://gordon.byers.me

I've set the cname's up so Azure can do it's verification that i own the domain. Here's what the dns settings look like.

[email protected] (Default):
awverify.byers.me.  13871   IN  CNAME   awverify.gbyers.azurewebsites.net.
azurewebsites.net.  1271    IN  SOA prd1.azuredns-cloud.net. msnhst.microsoft.com.azurewebsites.net. 2031967751 900 300 604800 3600

[email protected] (Default):
awverify.gordon.byers.me. 14364 IN  CNAME   awverify.gbyers.azurewebsites.net.
azurewebsites.net.  1799    IN  SOA prd1.azuredns-cloud.net. msnhst.microsoft.com.azurewebsites.net. 2031968612 900 300 604800 3600

[email protected] (Default):
awverify.www.byers.me.  13871   IN  CNAME   awverify.gbyers.azurewebsites.net.
azurewebsites.net.  1799    IN  SOA prd1.azuredns-cloud.net. msnhst.microsoft.com.azurewebsites.net. 2031968612 900 300 604800 3600

Link to dig dns

Which all looks fine to me.

However Azure gives me the following error;

The DNS record for 'gordon.byers.me' that points to 'gbyers.azurewebsites.net' could not be located. If you want to configure an A record, you must first create a CNAME record with your DNS provider for 'awverify.gordon.byers.me' that points to 'awverify.gbyers.azurewebsites.net'. First allow the resource record to propagate, and then create the A record.

I created the CNAME records about 16 hours ago, I know DNS A records can sometimes take their time to expire/propogate.. but the TTL on CNAME's is usually pretty low.

Anyone got any bright ideas for me, or should i just wait the 48 hours and stop being so impatient?

gordon.byers.me either needs to be a CNAME pointing to gbyers.azurewebsites.net or an A record pointing to your virtual IP in Azure. Your dig link shows that it's an A record, so is your VIP, correct?BenV
No, that ip address is the address of my old website hosts. I think that's the point of awverify, you can get the configuration done before changing the a records and minimise any downtime to the site.GordonB
No, the point of awverify is to make sure you're not redirecting someone else's domain to your site. Here's another guy who moved his blog to Azure and documented lessons learned: Step 3 is to configure the new A records in the Azure websites dashboard. The configuration tool checks that both CNAME and A records are valid so it is not possible to add this before the configuration changes in the DNS-system has propagated.BenV
I agree that the point of the awverify is to check you own the domain. I don't agree with the step order. If i configure my A record to point the Azure ip address and my custom domain is not in the list, then a 404 page is received. Why would you make this configuration before Azure knows about your custom domain unless you actually want downtime for your site? The Azure docs state "If you are using an A record, you cannot add the A record domain name to your Azure Website until the awverify CNAME record created in the previous step has propagated."GordonB

1 Answers


I paid for developer support in order to get Microsoft on the case, as in my mind I was doing everything correctly.

£20 and a phone call later, the issue is a problem with the Azure management portal.

Using the new portal, https://portal.azure.com/ works without issue whereas using https://manage.windowsazure.com does not work.

I've now got my custom domains set up. :)