
I am trying to install Mongo DB on a windows 8.1 64 bit machine and I a getting the following error.


MongoDB shell version: 2.4.7 connecting to: test Tue Nov 19 14:50:02.652 Error: couldn't connect to server at src /mongo/shell/mongo.js:145 exception: connect failed

have you tried to google for this error?Salvador Dali
Yes...I mean Obviously...can you point me to some windows related linksTejas
It is like 5 links just by copying the text. Have tried any of them? If so what was the problem and why their solution was not working for you?Salvador Dali
docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-windows follow the guidance there. You need to install. MongoDB as a service or run from the command line before using the console.WiredPrairie
Use this link. I also faced lot of problems when installing.But before found [this link. ](mkyong.com/mongodb/how-to-install-mongodb-on-windows)Lakmal Vithanage

2 Answers


Make sure you have the daemon process running. You start it via mongod.exe. You are running the client side and by default connecting to port 27017 - the default mongo instance. Check your running processes for mongod first!


Make sure to unclick the download compass section when you download the shell. As soon as I unclicked it I was able to install the Mongodb shell. Hope this helps - I was stuck with this problem for a long time.