Ember 1.13.x
The LinkComponent, which is what the link-to helper creates for you, is exposed as -link-to. I've created an example of its use here: http://emberjs.jsbin.com/rinukefuqe/2/edit?html,js,output
{{#-link-to params=(unbound link) hasBlock="true"}}
The params
attribute is what the link-to helper normally bundles your positional parameters onto, although you must use the unbound helper here because the LinkComponent expects params to be an array rather than a value binding object. Additionally, the determination of use as block or inline component is not built into components yet, so you must pass hasBlock="true"
unless you include the link text as the first parameter in your array.
Ember ≤ 1.12.x
Although it is not done already, you can manually expose the LinkView component, which is the equivalent of the new LinkComponent.
App.XLinkToComponent = Ember.LinkView.extend();
Then use it like:
{{#x-link-to params=link}}
Using unbound
and hasBlock="true"
are not necessary as the internal logic of LinkView differs from LinkComponent.