Is there a way to pass a params object to a linTo or action helper?
I have an object and it needs compound keys. I am using Ember Model and had to modify the adapter. In the Router that gets the initial object i pass a params object with the necessary keys. My problem is trying to do the same thing when using either a linkTo or action with a transitionToRoute. Neither hit the router again as far as I can tell.
Im coming back to this questions. Im still not sure the proper way to handle this. () {
this.resource("clients", { path: 'clients' }, function () {
this.resource("client", { path: ':client_id' }, function () {
this.resource("claims", function () {
this.resource('claim', { path: ':claim_id/:claim_sub' }, function () {
this.resource('lines', { path: 'lines' }, function () {
this.resource('line', { path: ':line_id' }, function () {
this.resource('flags', function () {
this.resource('flag', { path: ':flag_id' });
this.route("errors", { path: '/errors/:error_id' });
When i link to anything under the claim, where the compound slugs are, i get those set to undefined.
The serialize was just what i needed.
App.ClaimRoute = Nucleus.Route.extend({
model: function (params) {
params.client_id = this.modelFor('client').get('client_id');
return App.Claim.find('claim', params);
serialize: function (model) {
return { claim_id: model.get('cla_seq'), claim_sub: model.get('cla_sub') };