
I'm building a weather app where I first have to get the users location, then make the request to get the weather.

So I have a GeolocationService and a WeatherService. My WeatherService is currently calling the Geolocation Service. How do I make the WeatherService wait until it has the results from the GeolocationService before making the HTTP request?

        return {
            getLatLon: function(){
                var deferred = $q.defer();
                        deferred.reject(new Error("Geolocation not available"));
                } else {
                    }, function(error){

                return deferred.promise;

    app.factory("WeatherService", function ($q,$http,$rootScope, GeolocationService) {
        return {
            getWeather: function(){
                var weather;
                var loc = new GeolocationService.getLatLon(); 
                var  lat= loc.lat || 37.4568202221774, 
                lon= loc.lon || -122.201366838789 ;
                var units = '';
                var url = 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast/daily?lat='+lat+'&lon='+lon+'&units='+units+'&callback=JSON_CALLBACK';
                    .success(function(data) {
                        return weather;
                        return err;


really don't think you need to wrap resolve and reject in $apply, not sure what the thinking is therecharlietfl
@charlietfl - I've tried without wrapping the resolve in $apply, but the .then isn't being triggered without it.pedalpete

2 Answers


You just need to use the promise in your service and then chaine the promise. For sample I have a user with user.company_id and if I want get the name of the company I have to wait that the user is load. It the same that your situation.

this is my service:

    angular.module('UserService', []) 
.factory('UserService', function($q , $http, $rootScope,$timeout) {
var currentUserPromise = null;
var currentCompanyPromise = null;
return {
    getCurrentUser: function() {
        if (currentUserPromise === null) {
            var config = {};
            config.cache = true;
            config.method = "GET"; 
            config.url = "users/get_current_user";
            currentUserPromise = $http(config)
                .then(function(response) {
                    if (typeof response.data === 'object') {
                        return response.data.user;
                    } else {
                        // invalid response
                        return $q.reject(response.data);
                }, function(response) {
                    // something went wrong
                    return $q.reject(response.data);
        return currentUserPromise;

    getCurrentCompany: function(company_id) {
        if (currentCompanyPromise === null){
            var config = {};
            var company = {};
            company.id = company_id; 
            config.cache = true;
            config.method = "GET"; 
            config.url = "/companies/show";
            config.params = company;
            currentCompanyPromise = $http(config)
                .then(function(response) {
                    if (typeof response.data === 'object') {
                        return response.data.company;
                    } else {
                        // invalid response
                        return $q.reject(response.data);

                }, function(response) {
                    // something went wrong
                    return $q.reject(response.data);
            return currentCompanyPromise;


and in my controller I user this like this:


var promiseCurrentUser = UserService.getCurrentUser();
promiseCurrentUser.then(function(user) {
    $scope.currentUser = user;
        $scope.companyName = company.name;

And What is cool with the promise is that it is resolve once.

I hope this will help you.


Your GeolocationService's function getLatLon is returning a promise. There is no need to call it with a new operator.

Your getWeather function should look something along the lines of:

app.factory("WeatherService", function ($q,$http,$rootScope, GeolocationService) {
    return {
        getWeather: function(){
            var weather;
            return GeolocationService.getLatLon().then(
                function (loc) {
                    var  lat= loc.lat || 37.4568202221774, 
                    lon= loc.lon || -122.201366838789 ;
                    var units = '';
                    var url = 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast/daily?lat='+lat+'&lon='+lon+'&units='+units+'&callback=JSON_CALLBACK';
                    return $http.jsonp(url)
                        .success(function(data) {
                            return weather;
                            return err;

Here, we first call the GeolocationService.getLatLon() to get a promise. Then we chain our processing as a chain to it. The success function will get the position you resolve it with here deferred.resolve(position);.

Also, you do not need to wrap the resolve and reject within an $apply. Hence, your GeoLocationService can be simplified to:

                deferred.reject(new Error("Geolocation not available"));
            } else {
                }, function(error){