Sorry for the basic question, I am just starting to use QImage for reading pixel data from an image file.
To understand the member functions, I tried to load an image file and tried to output the functions return values:
QString fileName = "pic1.bmp";
QImage myImage;
myImage.load( fileName );
std::cout << "width = " << myImage.width() << std::endl;
std::cout << "height = " << myImage.height() << std::endl;
std::cout << "dotspermeterX = " << myImage.dotsPerMeterX() << std::endl;
std::cout << "dotspermeterY = " << myImage.dotsPerMeterY() << std::endl;
QRectF myRect = myImage.rect();
std::cout << "rect = " << myRect.bottomLeft().x() << "," << myRect.bottomLeft().y()
<< " " << myRect.topRight().x() << "," << myRect.topRight().y() << std::endl;
The output I got was:
width = 858
height = 608
dotspermeterX = 4724
dotspermeterY = 4724
rect = 0,608 858,0
My questions are:
1. What is the difference between dots
and pixels
2. Does QImage work only with int
pixels? Can't I read sub-pixel data for better precision?
To clarify my question, Following is a zoomed bitmap image of a diagonal line and I want to read all the small pixels/dots in this line. Is this possible?