
I am trying to count number of pixels in BMP image and thus the no of bytes per pixel, by using the information I gathered from struct BITMAPINFOHEADER . But whenever I run my code I get number of bytes per pixel = 0

struct BITMAPFILEHEADER             // File header
char bfType[2];                   // File type: should be BM ( 0x42 0x4D ) 
int bfSize;                       // File size in bytes
short bfReserved1;                // Reserved - for what i have no idea :P 
short bfReserved2;                // -||-
int bfOffBits;                    // Offset, adress of the beginning of the information about image (pixels )

struct BITMAPINFOHEADER             // Bitmap header
unsigned int biSize;              // Size of this header
unsigned int biWidth;             // Width of image ( in pixels)
unsigned int biHeight;            // Height of this image ( in pixels )
unsigned short biPlanes;          // Numer of color planes, always 1
unsigned short biBitCount;        // Number of bytes for pixel.  Possibility values :1,4,8,16, 24 and 32
unsigned int biCompression;       // Used compression (0 -none)
unsigned int biSizeImage;         // Size of image 
signed int biXPelsPerMeter;       // Horizontal resolution of the image (pixel per meter)
signed int biYPelsPerMeter;       // Vertical resolution of the image (pixel per meter)
unsigned int biClrUsed;           // Number of colors in the color palette, or 0 to default to 2^n ( 0- no palette)
unsigned int biClrImportant;      // Number of important colors used

struct Pixel{
unsigned int blue;  // or double?
unsigned int green;
unsigned int red;
//unsigned char reserved;

void Image::conversiontoBRG(const char* filename)
ifstream brgfile;
brgfile.open(filename, ios::in | ios::binary);

char *bmpheadinfo = new char[sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)];
brgfile.read(bmpheadinfo, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));

cout << "File type : " << bmpheader->bfType << endl;
cout << "File size : " << bmpheader->bfSize << endl;
cout << "File Offset for the beginning of image info : " << bmpheader->bfOffBits << endl << endl;

bmpheadinfo = new char[sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)];
brgfile.read(bmpheadinfo, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));

cout << "File Header Size : " << bmpinfo->biSize << endl;
cout << "Width : " << bmpinfo->biWidth << endl;
cout << "Height : " << bmpinfo->biHeight << endl;
cout << "No of bytes per pixel : " << bmpinfo->biBitCount << endl;
cout << "Used compression: " << bmpinfo->biCompression << endl;
cout << "Image size: " << bmpinfo->biSizeImage << endl;
cout << "Horizontal resolution: " << bmpinfo->biXPelsPerMeter << endl;
cout << "Vertical resolution: " << bmpinfo->biYPelsPerMeter << endl;
cout << "Number of colors in the color palette: " << bmpinfo->biClrUsed << endl;
cout << "Number of important colors used: " << bmpinfo->biClrImportant << endl;

I am trying to work on a bitmap image called index.bmp

Dimension : 275x184
Width : 275 pixels
Height : 184 pixels
Bit Depth : 24
Name : index.bmp
Item Type : BMP file
Size : 148 KB

But whenever I run the above code I get the following output. I am not sure where I am going wrong. Please help me.

File type : BMVS
File size : 2
File Offset for the beginning of image info : 2621440

File Header Size : 18022400
Width : 12058624
Height : 65536
No of bytes per pixel : 0
Used compression: 1394606080
Image size: 2
Horizontal resolution: 0
Vertical resolution: 0
Number of colors in the color palette: 0
Number of important colors used: 973078528
12058624 is 0xB80000. 0xB8 is 184. 18022400 is 0x1130000. 0x113 is 275. You're out of sync.molbdnilo
BMVS is 0x424d5653 in big endian hex. The string VS appears because bfType isn't a null terminated string like TonyD said and it's the 2 MSBs of bfSize. As you didn't specify the padding, because of alignment bfSize starts at the next 4 byte boundary and reads 2 or 0x02000000 in big endian. Therefore it's actual value is 0x00025356 = 152,406 bytes = 148.834KBphuclv
Just use the #pragma pack(push, 1) and #pragma pack(pop) macro. You will get the result that you expected.Farhad Reza
@PureProgrammer That was answered already by legends2k and no, it won't work as that just fixes one problem in the codephuclv
@LưuVĩnhPhúc Sorry, I did not think about that. However, I think bfType should be type of unsigned short right?Farhad Reza

2 Answers


As well the packing issue legends2k mentions:

  • you're not considering endianness (Google it, then use ntohs et al in your code),

  • you should create a local BITMAPFILEHEADER bmpheader; object then brgfile.read((char*)&bmpheader, sizeof bmpheader); - that way you know the embedded multi-byte integers will be properly aligned for access - otherwise you may get SIGBUS or similar on some systems; do something similar for BITMAPINFOHEADER

  • don't just print bfType either - as an array, it decays to a const char* for <<, and it's not NUL terminated so you get garbage extra characters.


The BMP file will have no padding bits within the header data, while you're structs have been defined with no tight packing macros; this will lead to your file data members and struct data members to be not aligned correctly. Fix this and you'll be able to see the fields rightly

#pragma pack(push, 1)       // macro to avoid padding bytes within a struct

struct BITMAPFILEHEADER             // File header
    char bfType[2];                   // File type: should be BM ( 0x42 0x4D ) 
    int bfSize;                       // File size in bytes
    short bfReserved1;                // Reserved - for what i have no idea :P 
    short bfReserved2;                // -||-
    int bfOffBits;                    // Offset, adress of the beginning of the information about image (pixels )

struct BITMAPINFOHEADER             // Bitmap header
    unsigned int biSize;              // Size of this header
    unsigned int biWidth;             // Width of image ( in pixels)
    unsigned int biHeight;            // Height of this image ( in pixels )
    unsigned short biPlanes;          // Numer of color planes, always 1
    unsigned short biBitCount;        // Number of bytes for pixel.  Possibility values :1,4,8,16, 24 and 32
    unsigned int biCompression;       // Used compression (0 -none)
    unsigned int biSizeImage;         // Size of image 
    signed int biXPelsPerMeter;       // Horizontal resolution of the image (pixel per meter)
    signed int biYPelsPerMeter;       // Vertical resolution of the image (pixel per meter)
    unsigned int biClrUsed;           // Number of colors in the color palette, or 0 to default to 2^n ( 0- no palette)
    unsigned int biClrImportant;      // Number of important colors used

#pragma pack(pop)         // stop doing the tight packing

It can be verified that there're no padding bits now

std::cout << sizeof BITMAPFILEHEADER << '\n';

would print 14 now; try it by disabling the macros and you would see something more than 14. On this live example it shows 16.