I am in the process of determining a fairly simple layered architecture for a .NET MVC application that has a repository layer and a service layer. I have found some fairly clear and simple examples, notably www.asp.net, and some questions and answers here, but I am looking for something that is a little simpler, suitable for small applications, but that uses different projects, to get the idea across. The example I linked to above has the repository and service as classes in the Models namespace. That just isn't enough of a clear separation for me to be able to illustrate it properly.
I have a separate project for the repository that implements interface IRepository. There is a separarate project for the Service that implements IService and takes an IRepository (constructor injection). The Service implements IService. It is enough for this example that the controller instantiate the service, no need for an IoC container just yet. Think of it as an intermediate step to understanding best architectural practices, part of a sequence that builds progressively to include dependency injection and possibly more layers.
The question is, where should I define IRepository and IService? Both the service and repository projects need to reference them, of course. It seems clear then that they should be defined in another project referenced by both the service and repository projects. If so, what would a good naming convention be? Something like XXXXContracts?
Likewise, for the data models passed between the presentation, service and repository layers, is it acceptable to have a separate project called XXXXModels referenced by all the layers? I understand that in some cases the models passed between the service and repository layer can differ from those passed between the service layer and the presentation layer, but the principle is the same.
I have found answers to similar questions here, but they tend to involve a more complicated architecture than what I have outlined here. I'm looking to achieve a really simple and clean illustration of the two layers that can be seen as a step or two above referencing the data layer and having business logic in the controllers, that's all. I know there is a strong and valid argument for going straight to the full-blown best practice, but not everyone is suited to making that jump in one go.