I am still having a hard time wrapping my head around this. I want to separate my layers (dlls) like so:
1) MyProject.Web.dll - MVC Web App (Controllers, Models (Edit/View), Views)
2) MyProject.Services.dll - Service Layer (Business Logic)
3) MyProject.Repositories.dll - Repositories
4) MyProject.Domain.dll - POCO Classes
5) MyProject.Data.dll - EF4
1) Controllers call Services to get objects to populate View/Edit Models.
2) Services call Repositories to get/persist objects.
3) Repositories call EF to get/persist objects to and from SQL Server.
My Repositories return IQueryable(Of T) and inside them they utilize ObjectSet(Of T).
So as I see this, the layers depend on exactly the next layer down and the lib that contains the POCO classes?
A few concerns:
1) Now for my Repositories to work correctly with EF, they will depend on System.Data.Objects, now I have a tight coupling with EF in my repository layer, is that bad?
2) I am using the UnitOfWork pattern. Where should that live? It has a Property Context As ObjectContext, so that is tightly coupled to EF as well. Bad?
3) How can i use DI to make this easier?
I want this to be a loosely coupled as possible for testing. Any suggestions?
---------- Edit ----------
Please let me know if I am on the right track here. Also, so the Service gets injected with an IRepository(Of Category) right, how does it know the difference between that and the concrete class of EFRepository(Of T)? Same with the UnitOfWork and the Service?
Once someone helps me figure this out to where I understand it, I know it will have seemed trivial, but man I am having a heck of a time wrapping my head around this!!
Public Class CategoryController
Private _Service As Domain.Interfaces.IService
Public Sub New(ByVal Service As Domain.Interfaces.IService)
_Service = Service
End Sub
Function ListCategories() As ActionResult
Dim Model As New CategoryViewModel
Using UOW As New Repositories.EFUnitOfWork
Mapper.Map(Of Category, CategoryViewModel)(_Service.GetCategories)
End Using
Return View(Model)
End Function
End Class
Public Class CategoryService
Private Repository As Domain.Interfaces.IRepository(Of Domain.Category)
Private UnitOfWork As Domain.Interfaces.IUnitOfWork
Public Sub New(ByVal UnitOfWork As Domain.Interfaces.IUnitOfWork, ByVal Repository As Domain.Interfaces.IRepository(Of Domain.Category))
UnitOfWork = UnitOfWork
Repository = Repository
End Sub
Public Function GetCategories() As IEnumerable(Of Domain.Category)
Return Repository.GetAll()
End Function
End Class
Repository and UnitOfWork
Public MustInherit Class RepositoryBase(Of T As Class)
Implements Domain.Interfaces.IRepository(Of T)
End Class
Public Class EFRepository(Of T As Class)
Inherits RepositoryBase(Of T)
End Class
Public Class EFUnitOfWork
Implements Domain.Interfaces.IUnitOfWork
Public Property Context As ObjectContext
Public Sub Commit() Implements Domain.Interfaces.IUnitOfWork.Commit
End Sub
End Class