Background : I need to run an ant task in the build.xml file using maven. So I'm using maven-antrun-plugin to do this.
Question :
When I'm reading the basedir in ant (after running pom) it displays as fldr1.fldr2.prjctNm which was it's defualt value (in both echoes). But, I want to set the parent directory path to it. (eg : fldr1.fldr2). How can I do this.
Ant file alone does this because it defines basedir="../ in the tag.
pom.xml (location : fldr1.fldr2.prjctNm)
<property name="basedir" value="../" />
<echo message="basedir path 1 : ${basedir}"/>
<ant antfile="build.xml" target="cleanAll" />
build.xml (location : fldr1.fldr2.prjctNm)
<project name="RideUtilities" default="cleanAll" basedir="../">
<target name="cleanAll" depends="all"></target>
<target name="all" depends="init,build"></target>
<target name="init">
<echo message="basedir path 2 : ${basedir}"/>
<property name="dirs.base" value="${basedir}/RideUtilities" />
<property name="src" value="${dirs.base}\src" />
<property name="jarFile" value="RideUtilities.jar" />
<target name="build">
<echo> ---Building jar files using ${dirs.base} ---- </echo>